Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

Found a recipe for Parmesan Paprika Crispy Chicken. Sounded amazing! So I made it for supper last night. Um, I should have known I might have a problem. I'm a read-the-recipe-totally-before-beginning kind of cooker. This one the list of ingredients called for 1/4 cup melted butter. No where in the recipe instructions did it even mention the butter. It did, however, say to put the veggies in a big bowl and toss with olive oil, salt and pepper. Hmmmm no olive oil listed in the ingredients section. So being a cardiac patient with dietary restrictions, I used the butter.
BIG mistake. The top of the chicken was crispy and the coating was delicious. But the bottom of the chicken just steamed in the butter and was so soggy we were all scraping it off before we ate it. I will make this again, but I'll make some adjustments.

Why, oh why do I try out new recipes when I have guests for dinner?
Found a recipe for Parmesan Paprika Crispy Chicken. Sounded amazing! So I made it for supper last night. Um, I should have known I might have a problem. I'm a read-the-recipe-totally-before-beginning kind of cooker. This one the list of ingredients called for 1/4 cup melted butter. No where in the recipe instructions did it even mention the butter. It did, however, say to put the veggies in a big bowl and toss with olive oil, salt and pepper. Hmmmm no olive oil listed in the ingredients section. So being a cardiac patient with dietary restrictions, I used the butter.
BIG mistake. The top of the chicken was crispy and the coating was delicious. But the bottom of the chicken just steamed in the butter and was so soggy we were all scraping it off before we ate it. I will make this again, but I'll make some adjustments.

Why, oh why do I try out new recipes when I have guests for dinner?
The problem with Internet recipes is that they are often rushed out without testing them. Look for recipes from an established magazine--like Womens day or Redbook. Epicurious has the best of the online only recipes.

Ingredients not listed in the instructions, amounts wrong, especially the ratio of fat to flour in baking are very common problems. A recipe for toffee said to heat to 175F. That is 100 degrees too lof for hard crack in candy making!
Oh Blooie, sorry about your fail for dinner.

I would have gone with the butter also
. . Actually, when I do roasted veggies I do a mix of butter and olive oil, and whatever herbs strike my fancy at the time.

Tonight is some sirloin steaks they had on sale yesterday. I've had them marinating all night. Probably mashed taters and...not sure on the veggie yet. I need to go shopping. Or maybe we'll go for total comfort food and I'll make a green bean casserole.
Found a recipe for Parmesan Paprika Crispy Chicken. Sounded amazing! So I made it for supper last night. Um, I should have known I might have a problem. I'm a read-the-recipe-totally-before-beginning kind of cooker. This one the list of ingredients called for 1/4 cup melted butter. No where in the recipe instructions did it even mention the butter. It did, however, say to put the veggies in a big bowl and toss with olive oil, salt and pepper. Hmmmm no olive oil listed in the ingredients section. So being a cardiac patient with dietary restrictions, I used the butter.
BIG mistake. The top of the chicken was crispy and the coating was delicious. But the bottom of the chicken just steamed in the butter and was so soggy we were all scraping it off before we ate it. I will make this again, but I'll make some adjustments.

Why, oh why do I try out new recipes when I have guests for dinner?

I feel your pain. I always experiment on guests too & chastise myself every time.
Maybe that's why I never have folks over for dinner

Tonight was strips of beef sirloin marinated in garlic and lime, in the crockpot. Cheesy garlic bread, asparagus with shrooms and onions, and leftover cheesy taters from last night.
Small group tonight and the theme was bbq. Well, smoker/indoor bbq as, in true Oregon fashion, it poured rain all day

but, we feasted! Smoked pork baby back ribs, beef tri tip, and whole chickens. Baked beans, potato salad, coleslaw, deviled eggs, roasted broccoli and cashews, and then brownies and ice cream for dessert.

I'm telling you, eternal salvation aside, potluck is a great reason to go to church
Leftovers. I'm making some corn muffins to go with the beans, cause it's against everything I know to eat beans without cornbread

I suppose I should fix some type of veggie, cause we didn't bring any home. Probably my own coleslaw, that'll go well.

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