Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

Well, last night was suppose to be salad but changed my mind and did a wilted spinach salad instead. It had orange wedges, walnut nuts, red onions, bacon and quail eggs. Tossed in warm Raspberry Vinaigrette dressing and it was very satisfying.

So tonight will be salad with grilled salmon since my husband picked a bunch of lettuce out of the green house.

Stir Fry

I re-seasoned yesterday's pork roast, by sauteeing in sesame oil, olive oil, & soy sauce with garlic, then setting aside till the end.
Starting with the broccoli, corn, onion, bell pepper, cauliflower... cooking until half way through.
The rice is old rice defrosted in the microwave you MUST have OLD rice for this to work well.. and a hot skillet.
To that I add a sauce of about 1/8 cup soy sauce, 3 tbs brown sugar & a splash or two of rice wine vinegar
Once it's hot I add the blue bowl w/the pineapple, plus the mung bean sprouts behind it and a can of carrots cuz I was out of frozen..
Once hot, I push everything to the edges and I scramble the eggs right in the center of the skillet
Then drop the meat back into it and mix & serve.
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OK DawnSuiter - I'm hungry now!
Looks great. I'll be making beef & brocolli stir fry w/rice tomorrow - my DH's favorite.

ETA: How many people do you cook for? That measuring cup looks huge!
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Hi Tipsy.. it's just 4 cups officially.. but up to the top it's 5 cups really... fine for measuring frozen veggies. My goal is to always fill that with veg for dinner.. if not there has to be a salad or something.

I cook for 3... what you all call dinner is actually lunch for DH & I as we both keep very late hours. The skillet is a 12" one.. about 2.5 or 3" deep I think.. we ate a little more than half of it. What's left will be frozen into two single servings and put into the deep freeze for quick summer "asian" lunches or dinners if we're lazy.

My newest goal is to overcook in Fall & Winter so I don't hardly HAVE to cook in Spring/Summer
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Great idea! I cook a hot meal for 12 Noon everyday too because of work. I actually like it - cook in the morning, clean the kitchen and I'm done for the day.
Those pics sure make everything look bigger, but still delicious. I'm heading overseas so when I come back, it'll be DIET time and plenty of veggies. I need a bigger measuring cup!
thanks for asking about my party Sandee.
Yes, I was able to have my party!! I found out who my friends are and the family that cares. We had a snow storm on Sat. DH went to the truckstop in town to pick up his mother and have two other cars follow him up since he knows where the ice is on our roads. Some people came almost 100 miles in rain and snow!! Some neighbors came also. If you know anything about the grapevine (interstate 5), you know this was a great feat. Our exit is aboutt at the top. We sat inside around the fire, watched the snow(sometimes heavy), talked, ate, laughed, took many pictures. My ex sil came who I hadn't seen or talked to in about 7 yrs. Then DH made the trip back to town and on the way back up picked up more friends that were spending the night. Another friend came from further up the mountain to spend the night also. So we actually had TWO parties on the same day, the night one was a little more wilder. DH brought out the fireworks since it was snowing. It was great fun! The best birthday party I have ever had!! To think, I wouldn't have even thought about doing this, I gave up on parties for me many years ago.

We've been eating leftovers from the party. Last night I made grilled kielbasa, corn, mashed potatoes. Tonight will be something with ham, not decided yet.

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What a lovely celebration, Monica!!! I'm glad that it turned out so wonderful for you.

DawnSuiter - I have that Pyrex container! It is wonderful! I found mine at Target. It does double duty in my house. I use it for cooking but I also use it for holding the liquid oils when I make soap. It rocks!

Dinner tonight will be shepherd's pie (with ground beef, so technically a cottage pie) and salad.

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