Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

Sorry to hear about your new girl. May be you can put on some gloves and just pick her up and let her know you are the boss. When I have unfriendly girl(s) I pick them up hold on my hip and scratch their necks down to the skin and they really like that and seem to calm down after a few times. Good luck hope she works out.

We had French Toast last night since I still teaching myself how to make Mozzarella, made two batches last night that came out perfect. Going to do one more batch tonight and if it goes as smoothly as that last 5 batches then I'll feel confident enough to quit and work on getting myself together for the class on the 28th.

My pork chops are cooing right now. Yum Yum

Mushroom Pork Chops

· 4 pork chops
· Salt and pepper to taste
· 1 pinch garlic salt, or to taste
· 1 onion, chopped
· 1/2 pound fresh mushrooms, sliced
· 1 (10.75 ounce) can condensed cream of mushroom soup
· 1/2 can heavy cream
· 1/2 can water
· 1 (1- pound) package egg noodles

1. Season pork chops with salt, pepper, and garlic salt to taste.
2. In a large skillet, brown the chops over medium-high heat. Remove from pan.
3. Add the onion and mushrooms and sauté until cooked through. Pour cream of mushroom soup into pan with the water and cream stir to combine. Return the chops, cover skillet, and reduce temperature to medium-low. Simmer 20 to 30 minutes, or until chops are cooked through and tender.
4. In a separate pot, cook egg noodles and drain. Remove the cooked chops from the skillet to a serving platter and add the drained noodles to the skillet, stir to coat and heat through.
BettyR - My husband's cousin's wife makes a similar recipe. When they were relocating to our area, they lived with us for 6 weeks and we made that one night. I still have a scar on my arm where the pork chop splattered and burned my arm. The oil splatter just happened to land on a freckle on my arm so now I have a bulls-eye scar.
It will forever remind me of a yummy dinner with such fun cousins.

Dragonfly Ranch - Great ideas about Charlotte. I plan to do that this weekend when I can get some decent time to work with her. In the meantime, I've been feeding her treats through her enclosure so that she is getting used to me. The kids have been doing the same. She hasn't bitten me again, but she does move toward me rather than away when I need to do something in her coop/run. She can also see the other girls when they're outside and they've been modeling proper, sweet behavior. Not that she understands that.

I missed the info of the class you're taking on the 28th. What is that about?

Dinner tonight is soft and squishy.
My daughter had an orthodontist appointment and had some new brackets added. We're having Goulash, salad (she'll have veggies), and garlic bread.

For dessert, I made Boca Negra nearly flourless cake that was flavored with Grand Marnier. I know it doesn't go with the dinner, but I had made one for a BBQ over the weekend and shared some with my neighbor who just got out of the hospital. He loved it so much and wanted more.
You can tell who cooks and who doesn't by the scars on their arms. I have them up and down my arm from walking around with my head up my posterior and reaching into the oven and branding a stripe on my forearm. I have a couple of grease scars as well.
You can tell who cooks and who doesn't by the scars on their arms. I have them up and down my arm from walking around with my head up my posterior and reaching into the oven and branding a stripe on my forearm. I have a couple of grease scars as well.

ha ha ha. I can relate. I have one of those about an inch away from the bulls-eye scar. Over the years, I've gotten a few on my wrist that have probably made a few strangers wonder if I have a death wish. My current count is 2 on my left arm and 1 on my right. It doesn't help that I have a double oven and I'm vertically challenged.

As for little Charlotte, she was much better today. Today I fed her a tomato by hand without problems. And, she went into her coop tonight on her own without me having to remove her from the top of the coop door. I hope that means we're making progress.
You can tell who cooks and who doesn't by the scars on their arms. I have them up and down my arm from walking around with my head up my posterior and reaching into the oven and branding a stripe on my forearm. I have a couple of grease scars as well.

ha ha ha. I can relate. I have one of those about an inch away from the bulls-eye scar. Over the years, I've gotten a few on my wrist that have probably made a few strangers wonder if I have a death wish. My current count is 2 on my left arm and 1 on my right. It doesn't help that I have a double oven and I'm vertically challenged.

As for little Charlotte, she was much better today. Today I fed her a tomato by hand without problems. And, she went into her coop tonight on her own without me having to remove her from the top of the coop door. I hope that means we're making progress.

Here's hoping for the best for you and little Charlotte.
I think little Charlotte has Borderline Personality Disorder.
She can't decide if she likes me or not, whether she's going to be friendly or not. She can see me right now from her run and she's hollering as loud as she can. If I poke my head out the door and talk to her, she quiets down. But, if I go over to her coop, she runs away from me. Silly girl.
I can't remember where I got this recipe so my deepest apologies and thanks to the author. I usually write the source as part of the recipe, I guess I forgot in this case. I like to give credit where credit is due. It always ticks me off when I see someone post one of my recipes as though it was their own.

I have a lot of family heirloom recipes that mean a great deal to me and I don't mind sharing but I want credit going where it belongs. I guess it's a respect thing. I suppose you can tell I just saw one of my great grand mother's recipes posted on another site with the poster taking credit for the recipe!!!
I didn't say anything...I don't want to start a whole big drama over there so I just needed to vent here where it's safe to do so. Sorry about that.


2 lbs ground round
2-tablespoon chili powder
2 tsp ground cumin
1/2 a red onion, chopped
14 oz can chopped tomatoes
1-cup medium heat taco sauce
1 can black beans, drained
1 cup frozen corn
Salt (to taste)
8 (8") flour tortillas
2 1/2 cups shredded Cheddar
2 green onions, sliced

Preheat oven to 425.

Sauté meat in large skillet. Add seasonings and onion. Brown for 5 minutes; add tomatoes and taco sauce.

Add black beans and corn. Heat 2-3 min., and then season w/salt.

Coat 13x9 baking dish w/oil.

Cut tortillas in 1/2. Layer meat/beans mixture, then tortillas, and the cheese. Repeat.

Bake 15 minutes or until bubbly.

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