Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

Don't know yet. We're going to a wine tasting dinner and we're only responsible for some appetizers.
I do a similar thing with Cornish game hens in a Panini press. Good old Alton Brown - Food Network showed how to do it. Great for the two of us half for each of us and it is really fast. Only dummer no leftovers!

Sorry -I know this is a double post - but there were people on two different threads who knew I was going to teach a class on chesse making and wanted to get the word out on both.
Well, the cheese class is OVER!! I was so tired since I woke up at 3:45am and couldn't go back to sleep and then just the hype of the whole day - needless to say I slept like a log Sat night. I'm proud to say that it went well. I seem to keep everyone fully engaged the whole time and people thanked me for a very informative class. Only run over 20 minutes and people ate all the tasty bites, 7 different ones show casing all the different things to do with the YoChee, Chevre and Mozzarella.

The only thing that was a bit off was the demo of Mozzarella. For a kitchen store they do not have good stoves. The electric stove top that has the camera and mirrors on it, is either cold or blazing hot - so it was hard to get the curd to perform - but I just told them "we'll just beat this curd into submission and make it work" - and I did although the volume was low. Still tasty and they got the idea of what to do. Ended up stretching nice in the end and everyone a bite fresh just made Mozzarella.

I also had on my favorite chicken apron that my mom made for me and bragged all about BYC and all of you here on the different threads. BettyR - you got full credit for turning me on to the Dutch Oven bread which I did a demo of and then just how wonderful and supportive everyone is here. So maybe some more members even through they don't have chickens.

So thanks to all of you for your support and confidence leading up to the class. They have asked me to do a candy class (Peanut Brittle and Almond Roca) on 10-2-10 but need to make sure the stoves will perform first.

The best part of the whole thing - now that I'm an "instructor" I get a 35% discount on everything anytime - not too bad!!

Again, thanks to all

That is so cool Sandee...congratulations on your success. Way to go!!!!

Today is laundry day and I'm making some sausage kolaches out of Gump bread and a Poor Man's Krazy Cake fluffy white frosting.

So tonight we are having chili cheese dogs with chili cheese fries...something quick and easy.

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