Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

Stuffed cabbage, green beans, mashed potatoes with stewed tomatoes. I have to admit that I cheated and bought the stuffed cabbage from European Provisions Deli; however, I did make and freeze a big batch of creamed spinach that will be "featured" next week.
I'm baking baked chicken stuffed with italian bread & herb stuffing and then wrapped in turkey bacon. I will then be having artichokes in a lemon basil cream sauce as the side (while hubby and DD who hate artichokes have some buttered corn).

I'm so proud of this dish!
It's fish fry friday here, and were gonna have deep fryed haddock with home made frys. Yep the tatos are scrubbed and the skin is left on where it should be! Kinda tradition here.
~ bigzio
SO wanted fish for supper, but we don't have any in the freezer. I looked. So we are having broccoli and pasta with lots of cheese, garlic and butter. I have a small piece of beef, I'll cook up for him too. He needs his meat, I am fine without it.
For desert I still have some rice pudding I made a couple of days ago.
My sister is coming over
and my daughter doesn't want what I'm making... so they're all getting hot dogs and french fries.

i will be eating what I've been working on though.... french onion soup made with chicken stock rather then beef. Topped with a 'crouton' made from my sour dough bread I baked yesterday and topped with reduced sodium swiss cheese! YUM!
I'd rather share in your meal, sounds yummy

I have stew meat thawed out. We'll be having some sort of stir fry, using carrots, broccoli, onion and garlic with brown rice. I keep a marinade going at all times, with soysauce, ginger, garlic, sugar, sherry and whatever strikes me as fitting

Might have a salad with it. I thawed out some german stollen and we have fruit for desert.

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