Hey, I am incubated!

I am incubating eggs for the first time and am really excited. I just wanted to find mor information on my incubator and tips and tricks on how to raise your chickens. So, HELLO!
Hello and :welcome @Incubated! We're all so glad to have you here, and we know you'll enjoy this amazing community! Good luck with incubating your eggs, and I hope they hatch!!!

Good luck with incubating. How many eggs? What breed(s)? What kind of incubator do you have?
Do you already have chickens and a coop?
Did you buy hatchery eggs?

Be prepared for a setup for chicks in time: you need a brooder/chick cage, heat plate or heat lamp, water and chick feed, and something like bedding or paper towels on the brooder floor.

After 2-6 weeks they can go outside in a chicken coop. If you don’t have one yet, start planning and building it, because it’s takes time to make one. If you have adult hens, do read about integrating chicks.

There is lots of good info in the article section.

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