Hey Two Crows


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 29, 2014
My Coop
My Coop
Two crows, you hVe been pretty helpful in me raising my chicks, but I have seen alot of your photos are black chickens. What breed is that? Is it a good breed? Are the australorps???
TwoCrows is a great help to everyone. Her birds are black Australorps (I think)
Yes, 2Crows has just Australorps and really loves and recommends them. She is definitely one of the best greeters on BYC. You can always pm her if there is something you would like to discuss, she will notice your message once she comes back online for the day.
Holy Crow!!! You all know how to make a person turn red!!!!

Yes, they are Black Australorps and they are all I keep! They are so docile, affectionate, friendly, and love to sit on my lap. I can't sit anywhere without a chicken wanting to sit on my lap!! And they fight over who gets to sit closest to mommy! They are excellent layers as well. My girls are 3 years old and most of them still lay everyday, if not every other day. I have nothing negative to say about BA's. Just the sweetest birds you can imagine. I don't eat mine, but if you want a dual purpose bird, these birds would be great eating. Very meaty birds as well.

So yes, get some Black Australorps!!!!!!
I'm getting five this spring from meyer hatchery. and yes you are a huge help
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