Hey y'all. Newbie from KY here


In the Brooder
10 Years
Oct 24, 2009
Madison Co.
Hey y'all. Well I started out this spring getting 8 3 day old chicks from the local farm store because my girlfriend thought they were "cute". All 8 turned out to be roos. Now after buying some hens, trading some roosters, and getting "stuck" with some other chickens from friends moving I have close to 50 chickens. Everything has gone surprisingly well so far even though I had zero experience with chickens before this year. I am still learning and trying to catch up on building suitable living quarters for all my critters. It has been an unusually cold and nasty wet summer here in KY, with rain that just never ends and I think we are set to have yet another unusually cold snowy winter here. Well just wanted to say hi to all y'all. I'm sure I will be spending plenty of time here.

A lil about me: I was born a trader. Everything has a price and tangible goods are always worth more to me than a green piece of paper backed by my faith in the federal goverment. In God I trust but in the government I do not. I am a conspiracy theorist, and a radical libertarian. I was a semi-successful eBayer prior to Obama taking office and the economy getting worse. Things are tough for my girlfriend and I, as with many Americans right now, but at least I have fresh eggs on my plate in the morning.
LOL...what an intro Redneck!! Welcome to you from southern Indiana (just north of Louisville). It sounds as if you jumped in with both feet with your chicken tending. You'll learn tons on this site....
Welcome Redneck. I loved your intro!!!! I am in Elizabethtown KY. I too bought baby chicks from TSC this past spring having no earthly idea what I was doing, but my 5 year old son wanted them for easter. So, after coming home with 6 chicks, I submerged myself into Chicken info and found this site, which in my opinion is better than any book you could read about chickens!!! So, welcome my friend! You will learn plenty here...

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