Hey you kids! Go outside and play!

Dread Pirate Roberts

11 Years
Jan 20, 2009
My last hatch of peeps were a week old this past weekend, so they got the boot last night...



This morning, they were happily peeping about in the grass...


Back in the corner are three Black Penedesencas which are 4 weeks old; the new peeps are BC Marans, Wheaten Marans and Olive Eggers.

You're SO LUCKY!! I have no grass and have to keep mine in for several weeks it gets COLD at night here still. Cute chickies! Congrats on being able to boot them out!!
Dread--be glad you live in Ca!

Here in West Virginia, next thing to Siberia I guess--or the North Pole--I have all these chicks. They are right here in a box, and even with a heat lamp it is too cold to take them out, even though they are almost feathered out.

All I can see out my window is snoooooow.

What happened to global warming?

I was thinking the same thing heres what my big kids did last week before we got another 5 inches of snow

You like their chickie paths
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I want GREEN GRASS!!!!! I am sooooo tired of winter and so are my chickens! We are suppose to get more snow tonight.... urgh!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your chickens are braver than mine, mstricer, mine will not step a foot in the snow. They will stay in their house until it is all melted.
Mine got out if they can step out with out touching the snow they just started a path to where our septic tank is, it did have grass until they saw it and ate all of it. It was funny watching everyone follow the same path all over the place looking for small patches of grass in yard

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