
Hey everyone :frow, my name is Charles and I am pleased to make your acquaintance. I'm a Michigander here who has recently gotten into raising fowl. It all started with building my own incubator earlier this year and collecting a dozen eggs from a local farmer. Only two hatched unfortunately and both were roosters :thhaha. Along with my hatched roosters, both of Ameraucana lineage, I purchased 4 Ameraucana pullets from Townline to create a healthy flock. I have since dispatched of one of the roosters, aggressive, and added two Amberlink hens to my flock to replace the one rooster and a pullet that passed earlier on. Although my short journey so far has, like many others, been bumpy, I am proud to say that two of my hens have begun laying. :wee:wootIt is so rewarding to be able to go out and find some fresh eggs haah. Although my journey with chickens have just started, I am soon to start another journey, in two to four days in fact. I have changed some things and updated my incubator and in there are 22 cotournix quail eggs :ya YaY! One of my fav birds. Basically I'm expecting some quail chicks to hatch in the next four days. I have been browsing BYC throughout my journey with fowl and even before it. I figured it was about time to join the community haha. Thanks for having me everyone!:thumbsup
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