Hi again! One of my 4 duck eggs internally piped, the 3 others have not yet. What should I do? šŸ˜©


Jun 20, 2022
Hello to all!

Thank you so much for your previous help!
One of my 4 duck eggs just internally piped but the other ones have not yet. What do I do? Should I put them all into lockdown now?
I canā€™t stop my incubator from turning the eggs, itā€™s a Janoel 12. The directions are awful and I donā€™t know how to remove the turning mechanism.
Also, whatā€™s the difference between a ā€œwet bulbā€ humidity thermometer and a regular one?
Iā€™ll send a pic of mine.
Iā€™m such a wreck because I know I should not turn the eggs anymore or open the incubator during lockdown, but how will I know when the other 3 hatch?
I lowered the temperature to 37.2 c. and the humidity is 75. But I donā€™t know what kind of humidity reader I have.
Iā€™m really confused because this is such a delicate time!
Second photo is not very good because he is moving so much in the air sac that I couldnā€™t get a clear photo. šŸ„°

It wont hurt them if you stop turning a few days early.
Thank you!
I know the humidity has to be at 75, but I canā€™t get it lower then 83!
I put them in lockdown even though only one internally piped. Is this ok?
Do you have any ideas on how I can get my humidity down? šŸ„°
I wouldn't stress too much about your humidity right now.

Humidity is controlled mostly by the surface area of water you have in your incubator.
Smaller surface area = less humidity
Bigger surface area = higher humidity

Is there any way you can lessen the surface area of water in your incubator?
I wouldn't stress too much about your humidity right now.

Humidity is controlled mostly by the surface area of water you have in your incubator.
Smaller surface area = less humidity
Bigger surface area = higher humidity

Is there any way you can lessen the surface area of water in your incubator?
Unfortunately not. šŸ˜©

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