Hi all


Jan 14, 2016
Suffolk UK
Hi I'm Sarah and I'm a newbie on here and a newbie to the chicken world I have 5 hybrid hens. The girls as I call them love me they follow me as I walk past the run and if they escape I just call and they come running. All other members of the family they peck I find that funny
Hi :welcome Sarah form Yorkshire UK

Glad you could join us here! It sounds like you are enjoying your girls very much and they sure sound like they love you too! I started out with a couple of hybrids called Amy and Penny, they were lovely girls and started me off on my my fabulous chicken adventures. Please do drop by the UK thread, the link is in my signature. There may be others form your way in there.

Wishing you the very best of luck with your girls in the future.
Enjoy BYC and all the chicken chat :frow
Hi Sarah,

Are your girls old enough to lay yet? That's always exciting when they start.

It's nice to have you here!

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