Hi Everyone, I am fullofjoy4u


5 Years
Mar 25, 2018
I am not new to chickens. I used to feed the chickens on my grandma's farm when I was growing up and my grandpa taught me some things about them when he wasn't playing dirty ol' man.
As soon as I got some land where I could have livestock, I invested in chickens. Got a rooster and a few hens. I enjoyed the fresh eggs for breakfast and when I let some of the chicks grow up I enjoyed cooking them for our dinner. My husband enjoyed my thriftiness.
I ran a hatchery in South-Central Utah for a while, because most of the chicks didn't make it after the travel up to the higher elevation. So we decided to take care of that problem for farmers in our stretch of the woods. We dealt with a lot of rare breeds, turkeys, ducks and geese. The only reason the business isn't still going is because my ex isn't a very social person and wanted to do some very anti-social activities to some folks in our town. I have moved back home and eventually hope to own my own piece of land again. Just enough to plant a few things and have a few chickens to keep the bugs under control.
I am still in the habit of collecting egg cartons and sure would appreciate knowing where I can go to let folks close to me know that I have some for recycling.
That's how I found y'all, while looking for a place to let folks know about my egg cartons.
I found your site from the BackYardChicken Group on Facebook and since I plan on getting chickens again and I have had chickens already, that I may have something to offer and may find information worth learning here.
I also like to fish, camp, travel, play computer games, write, volunteer, etc. I love to keep busy when my body allows me.
I have 3 amazing sons who have gifted me with 11 amazing grandchildren. My oldest served in Afghanistan in the Marines. My youngest served in Iraq in the Army and is still in the Army Reserve, which is amazing since he was born with multiple birth defects, physical, mental and emotional. He doesn't like me to mention it. How can I not? He has overcome such difficult odds and is doing so well in his life. He has a wife that he is madly in love with and who loves him. He has his job still in the Army Reserve and is a Master Sergeant there. He has a regular job that lets him take off to serve his country when they call. He has two lovely children. His son has one of his same defects and he knows exactly how to take care of him, because he watched what I went through and what worked and what didn't. And he is there for his family. He has what I wanted for him. A normal lifestyle. The house with the fenced yard, the dogs running around and his children running around playing and feeling safe with both of their parents there for them.
I live in an apartment right now and have 2 cats. An older 4-year old orange tabby named Garfield. And a large kitten, black and white tom, that I call Cookie. He was a feral I took in along with his 2 sisters and got them spade and neutered and released them. He decided he liked me and came back. I enjoy him, he purrs. Garfield was a stray just handed over to me, but she never purred. Now she has a friend to play with instead of staring me down every time I don't do something to entertain her. lol
I haven't been gainfully employed since Uncle Sam said I couldn't work a long while back. So that is why I volunteer and do a lot of other activities to keep busy. "Too much Time on My Hands" - Styx
Welcome to BYC Broody with chicks.jpeg

Very nice introduction!

High elevations are a problem for chicks
G'Day from down under fullofjoy4u :frow Welcome!

Great intro! Thank You for sharing :clap

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