Hi everyone! I'm new and this is my story


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 15, 2013
Hi Everyone, I decided to become a member due to my fequent vists to this site. I first found this site by google on " Limber neck disease". Which I kept this site a favorite due to its high hopes when every answer I found out there on other sites said I had no hope of keeping my chicken alive. This site gave me inspiration to try everything I can and it gave me better ideas than my own. I just want to thank all the byc member thank you for giving me hope when i thought i had none. In which I'm proud to say today due to your stories I still have my chicken that had the limber neck disease and he's doing good. Now for my flock I started with 3 Rhode Island Reds and One rooster that is said to be a white rock. I now have a much bigger flock but they have their own stories which I think is better to mention at another time. Thank you everyone for your support !
Chirpy10 of Pennsylvania
Chirpy! That's awesome your rooster is alive! The site has so much good info, glad you joined us!!!

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