Hi everyone, long time no see


Has Fainting Chickens
14 Years
Dec 25, 2007
Chaparral, New Mexico
I know it's been a long time since I really posted anywhere other than on the swap threads so I wanted to say hi, and fill you in on my life.

My son, Steven, is in Afghanistan, at Bagram AF. He is still that big hearted kid rescuing everything and everyone he can, he'll be 22 in Nov. I'm very proud of him, he's been in the Army 4 1/2 years now.

My mom is doing great, my dad is having health issues right now due to an allergic reaction to the dye in a heart cath.

Me,, wow,, big change here. I left my classroom last Friday, the 13th after teaching 6th grade for 10 years. With my dad's health problem, my son overseas, my nephew (Navy) out of the country, and some personal issues I'm having, the only real solution was to take the rest of this year off and be self-employed for awhile doing educational consulting. It will be rough for a month or so then it will settle down. I sold most of my flock last month, it's too hard to find someone to take care of my place when I have to travel anywhere.

Yes I still have Blue Roo of fainting fame, he is still the biggest chicken on the place. I still have Nugget's son Cobalt (Coby) he sure isn't like his big red daddy, he's big, but he's blue like his mommy. Screech Mouse is still a tiny little thing and of course loves her big blue rooster Coby. I have a blind duck I rescued recently, he had a massive head wound, was already blind, and put in with chicken which of course tried to eat him. I took him out of the pen, put him in my truck, and dared the owner to say a word to me. They didn't.

Even though I have left my classroom I still have my Kid's Club that does quilting, sewing, and crochet. We are getting ready for the Fair right now, we have some beautiful entries.

Anyway, now that I have some time, I'll try and be around more, I've missed you guys.
glad to have you back - I thought you were a victim of the BYC changeover like many others.
Good to see you back. I've been away for a long time too. Just too lazy to work with the new format and some personal things going on as well.

Glad to hear you are still working with young people. Our society is so chaotic these days; teaching them a useful skill is rewarding for you and them. Keep up the good work. I just logged on and have to get caught up with speckled hen and Ms. Prissy.
Good to see you back. I've been away for a long time too. Just too lazy to work with the new format and some personal things going on as well.

Glad to hear you are still working with young people. Our society is so chaotic these days; teaching them a useful skill is rewarding for you and them. Keep up the good work. I just logged on and have to get caught up with speckled hen and Ms. Prissy.

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