Hi Everyone!

SJandPs Nana

7 Years
Oct 27, 2012
I'm new to the chicken fun but having a grand time. This website was the first stop in learning about the ins and outs of building a great coup. After that, my husband soon realized that I wasn't going to be settling for some little half-baked contraption from the local feed store and he set about building a really nice place for my little ladies to call home. By the time they got out of the large portable rabbit hutch that had been their first home, they were ready for bigger and better surroundings and the coup was ready for them. It's been pure fun ever since.
We have 4 Barred Rock and 4 RI Reds in our flock and they are all now laying. I'm a teacher so some of the other staff members are enjoying the daily contributions of my girls when I'm unable to use all of them myself. It's so wonderful to be able to share this little piece of 'freshness' with those that don't have an interest in agriculture.
We have 3 grandsons, thus the user name, and they think it's just too much fun to see the chickens and collect eggs at Nana's house. Although I frequently have questions about the needs of my gals, I'm never without a fabulous source of useful and practical information, thanks to this site.
Looking forward to meeting you!
The Nana
Glad to have you !!!

Sounds like a nice flock you have! :)
Hello and welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us!

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