Hi from an old fool in Spain

from Scotland. I think I speak for us all when I say we definitely want to hear your stories!
Chickenvirgin: Did you just leave a lovely message on my website? Shall I put you in the draw for a free copy?

Buffhooligans: Where do I start? It's a pretty horrific story and I'm supposed to be cooking Joe's dinner.

thechickenchick and Dragonfly: Thank you! What a nice place this is!

fldiver: One mule adores her master, Uncle Felix, and shares his 2 roomed cottage with him and his 2 chickens. I don't think she could tear herself away from Uncle Felix long enough to vote. The other mule has love on his mind. He sings to his lady-love in the next village, so I doubt he is interested either.

Highlander: A wee Scottish lass! Very pleased to meet you.

Ranchhand: Hi back at you. We spent a month in SC a couple of years ago and loved it.

Buff Hooligans: Lol! No, I'm sorry to say it was much worse than that. Anyway, he was so small he would have hardly made a snack. He was only about 10 inches high and definitely had a Napolean complex. The girls adored him though, and used to fight to sit next to him on the perch.

Oh that's so sweet. We have a chicken like that on BYC. His screen name is Purple Chicken and we all love it when he's online on BYC so we can crowd around him and pester him.

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