Hi from an old fool in Spain

Thanks for the welcome to M to the Maxx, Texasgal and Ol'FashionHen.

Especially for BuffHooligans and some others who kindly wanted to know about our Cocky, the most dangerous Rooster in Spain, I've started writing his story on My Page. I'm sorry there are no pictures and the font is so small, but the page doesn't seem to like Safari. None of the icons work for me.

Hope you like it anyway, and let me know if you'd like more.

OK. Got off work and thought I'd check in case you changed anything.
Guess I will just go play with my chickens, stare into my incubator again (day 2 of 21), fix dinner, rearrange my piles (aka clean house), and torment the cats.
Lol, Wegotchickens! You should be doing the writing, not me. I'll send your name to my publisher!

Rearrange piles? Oh, yes! I call it 'herding'. You just push all the clutter into one pile and it looks much better!

And I know what you mean about staring into the incubator. I caught Joe digging up our potatoes after 1 week 'just to see how they're coming along'.

I used to write long letters to my grandmother that had folks in the old folks home rolling in the aisles. They told me I should write books, too...
Now that she's passed on I have no one to write to anymore

Herding is a good word. DH is a neat-freak and hates the pile system of house management. You can tell his side of our bedroom from mine as soon as you walk in. His is military neat. Mine? Not so much!

I say, "I cleaned up!"
He says, "Really? Where?"
"Okay, I tidied the stacks."

Tell Joe next time he plants potatoes that you can pile straw around them as they grow and it's easier to see how they're doing without disturbing them
Don't ask me how I know...

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