Hi from Colorado Springs, CO (Black Forest area)


10 Years
May 9, 2009
Black Forest, CO
EEEeeeeek.. we have 6 chicks .. 2 Buffs, 2 Bard Rocks and 2 Americana (Easter Eggers?) They are 6 days old.. so in the next month we need to build a coop and run for them.. We don't have a coop yet.. My hubby wants to design his own coop but he keeps on saying it won't be fancy unless I can find a good coop design first. Anyone have any recommendations for a good coop design for 6 chickens?? We think they are all hens but the lady at the farm store said there "may" be a rooster in there but she ordered all "pullets" (hens).. I'm so new at this.. I know so little about it!

Right now we have them in an old dog crate.. with red heat lamp, metal waterer and a feeder.. They are so cute! We are also trying to get our dog used to them.. I want our collie dog, Gumbo, to want to protect them if we let them go free range on occasion.


Our collie Gumbo looking them over.. I'm waiting for Gumbo to bore of them??


The striped one.. she said is an Americana?? or is it an Easter Egger? or is it the same?? I'm a chick dummy! heh


Thanks! I have a good online friend here I know from EBSQ art forums that talks very highly of it here.. Hi Shannon!!!
The striped one looks like what was shipped to me as Ameraucana. In fact it looks JUST like the ones I have in my brooder. Soooo cute.

I used to live in Cripple Creek. I performed in a show at the Imperial Hotel back around 1981.

Do you know Brian Gravestock? He is the only person I know in Col springs... LOL

Welcome from Texas!
Yep, the stripey ones are Easter Eggers. For now you don't need much more than a secure box and a little secure fenced area for them. You can add nesting boxes later.
Welcome to the family. I'm your neighbor just a little north of you.
Thanks!! I will check out the lessons learned thread for sure!!!

LOL.. no I don't know a Brian Gravestock!
.. You performed in a show? are you an actor or singer?

See.. i'm so new at this.. what is a "brooder".. I have lots to learn!.. I'm surfing around and hoping I can catch up with the chicken lingo soon!
Hi Farmerlor!

Oh another Colorado person!
My hubby is military (Air Force) and this should be our last move and we are here to stay. Love Colorado .. we were stationed in Colo Springs from 96-2001 and then moved to Longmont, Co.. then Germany and now for our final move we are back to Colorado Springs.. We always loved the Black forest area and that's where we are now and lovin it!

We are having fun with this.. and learning as we go!
I am new too. A brooder is where you keep your baby chicks before they go in their grown up pen. It has a warm light, and special footing (shavings, paper towel) and is separate from bigger chicks or chickens.
When we started looking for a home in the country we started in Black Forest. It's so pretty down there but it was just too far for hubby to drive to work. He was also in Germany when he was in the Army.

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