Hi from Dallas Texas!!


10 Years
Mar 23, 2009
Hi...my 2 boys and I are new to raising chickens and quail. But my husband did as a young boy, so we are gonna give it a go. I have raised a few parrots, so hopefully this won't be to different. LOL

I have actually been reading ALOT of different things about getting started, and really found this site to be great. We will be picking up a few chickens from a local breeder here close to dallas on wednesday. I haven't decided actually what kind to start off with yet. But he has a variety to choose from, so it should be interesting. Just need to make sure they are compatable being kept together.

I am also going to ATTEMPT to hatch some quail eggs. I have an incubator and have the eggs in route being shipped. I think quails will be fun and interesting as well.

We have a nice big area to keep them in that my husband has built. I'm an animal lover so this will be an easy thing for me to adjust to once I figure it all out.

I look forward to getting to know you all. And I am sure I will have LOTS of questions in the near future.

WARNING: You WILL become addicted to this site!!!!
sunshinesilkies....I could HONESTLY see that happening. I've been reading posts now for over an hour. Only reason I'm about to log off now is because I've got to go pick up the kids at school. LOL Lots of interesting posts on here!!!

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