Hi from France!


In the Brooder
May 11, 2018
Hello everyone,

My husband and I moved from the UK to France seven years ago and began keeping chickens and ducks shortly after.

We currently have three chickens and one cock, all Buff Orpingtons,mans two Muscovy ducks and one drake.

We have only recently acquired the cock so we are new to raising chicks.

We have been raising ducklings since we first started with them. One of the ducks is a very good mother, but the other one doesn't seem as successful with her broods.

I have read quite a few of your threads and am learning a lot from them.

Nice to join you!
The Captain and some of his birds.
Thank you all for your welcome!

We did have some French 'limousine' chickens a couple of years ago. They were a lovely silver-grey colour with black tips to their feathers.

Here are a few photos of our birds. Unfortunately both the Muscovy mums are sitting on eggs, as is the mother goose, so I haven't been able to photo them. Oh, I forgot to mention in my original post that we have a pair of Toulouse geese!
Bonjour! Ça va?

Welcome!! That's exciting! I bet the chickens love the climate, haha. We live in NC and I feel bad for the poor things, it's already been up to 100 degrees F here, poor chicks.

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