Hi from Missouri


10 Years
Apr 13, 2009
NW Arkansas
Hello everyone. I'm PJ from the KC area. I don't have any chickens yet BUT... As a little girl growing up my parents had alot of back yard chickens. I remember gathering eggs from the barn coop and all over the garden area during the summers. My parents raised chickens for eggs and meat. My Mom loved the bantie breeds and kept several of those for pets. We had this Rhode Island Red hen that wouldn't lay eggs and my Dad was ready to make chicken noodle soup out of her. She was by far my favorite hen and I wouldn't let him make her dinner. By my early teenage years (for whatever reason) my parents no longer kept chickens. As an adult... I've always wanted to raise chickens of my own. So here I am... 35 years old and we are getting ready to move to the country and my husband has agreed to let me buy my very first flock. But I don't really know that much about raising chickens. I'm hoping this site will help me get started wisely.

I'm the mother to 6 children (3 girls and 3 boys) We also have 2 Australian shepherds, an Australian cattle dog, and 4 large fish aquariums with various types of fish (my favorites are the African cichlids). Oh and a goldfish pond in the backyard.

Welcome from California
Welcome PJ,

You will really enjoy the site, I guess you are going to be adding chickens to your family? You will learn a great deal here, and probably be looking for more than just chickens soon.....lol.

Sounds like a great move.

Great thing to do for you and your children.

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Thanks for the welcomes.

Yes, I will be adding some chickens soon. I'm really looking forward to it but I have alot to learn. We've got to get moved first but soon afterward I plan to start building my coop and run. In the mean time I have to figure out what breed/breeds I want and do some research on building an efficient coop based on my their needs, my wants and of course.... budget. ha ha The budget part will be the hard part.

Start out with coops... you are gonna need one of those... then check out brooders, then check out all of the hatcheries or better yet buy and incubator and then eggs from members here and hatch out your own.

O, you are in for good times.

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