Hi from Ohio!


5 Years
Apr 23, 2014
Hi!! I live in central Ohio with my husband, 2 young daughters, 2 Siamese cats, and we just recently added 12 chicks and 2 ducklings to the family! We have Buff Orpingtons, Silver Laced Wyandottes, Easter Eggers, Buckeyes, Delawares, and Rhode Island Reds. One of our ducklings is a Khaki Campbell and the other is yet to be determined, either a Mallard or Rouen {my mother picked picked them up at the local feed store}. I grew up with Bantams and Mallards and I am very happy to provide my daughters with the experience of having chickens and ducks! And who am I kidding I am happy for myself! After my girls are in bed you can usually find me spending time with my "other" babies! Thanks for having me here at BYC!
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Welcome to BYC!

Funny how addicting poultry can be! And they do become "our babies"!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Make yourself at home here on BYC and welcome to our flock!

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