Hi!! I live in central Ohio with my husband, 2 young daughters, 2 Siamese cats, and we just recently added 12 chicks and 2 ducklings to the family! We have Buff Orpingtons, Silver Laced Wyandottes, Easter Eggers, Buckeyes, Delawares, and Rhode Island Reds. One of our ducklings is a Khaki Campbell and the other is yet to be determined, either a Mallard or Rouen {my mother picked picked them up at the local feed store}. I grew up with Bantams and Mallards and I am very happy to provide my daughters with the experience of having chickens and ducks! And who am I kidding I am happy for myself! After my girls are in bed you can usually find me spending time with my "other" babies! Thanks for having me here at BYC!
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