Hi from SC


7 Years
Jun 18, 2015
Newbie here! I have no chickens as of yet and am building a coop. I am looking for 4-5 good egg layers that can also sub as friendly pets for myself and two horses.
Any suggestions?
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Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. I would recommend Black Sex Links (Black Stars) which are very friendly and hardy, egg laying machines. I've raised them for years (along with dozens of other breeds and hybrids), and they have been my best layers, consistently churning out more than 300 eggs per hen per year. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Whatever breed or hybrid you decide to get, good luck with your flock.
so glad you have joined us.

There are quite a number of friendly breeds, IMO select those with friendly personalities that fair well in your area. Look at what you can locate to obtain and study the breed characteristics and looks that please you. I'm in GA and love my BO's and BR's - but some of the BO's do get broody a little too often.
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

I personally would recommend buff orpingtons. They are affectionate and friendly. They lays lots of eggs and are hardy in hot and cold climates. Black australorps, barred rocks, sussex, buckeyes, easter eggers, wyandottes and sex links are all great as well.

Have you checked out our learning center, coop and breed sections yet? TONS of helpful info there!


Silkies. I suggest Silkie, Silkies, and more Silkies! Not the best layers, but the best pets on the face of the planet! I know that's an opinion, but...SILKIES!!!
But, Cochins are a close second as good pets, and definitely much better layers.
But definitely consider Silkies! Even the roos are sweet, and even though it takes four eggs to make an omelet, they make up for it in every other way!
Thanks for the great suggestions. I bought 3 buff O. And a black lace ......... Law I can't remeber the name. 4 weeks old. Everyone seems happy playing in the grass while I observe. I couldn't sleep for reading all the great info on this forum!

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