Hi from Southern Illinois


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 3, 2009
Southern Illinois
Hi everyone! I feel I know some of you already as I have been lurking for a few weeks. I'm finally posting because I'm finally ordering my chicks! It took me awhile to convince my husband that I was serious about raising some chickens.

We live on a few acres in southern Illinois and until recently were dairy farmers. (A sad story, yet, up from the ashes...) We now own an Ecological company called
Rock Road Ecological, thus my handle on the forum.

I've always been interested in self sufficiency farming but with all those cows we didn't have time for much else.

I love..love..gardening, both flowers and vegies and am so excited about getting my new chicks. I am ordering some Welsummers and EE's. My husband is an all or nothing kind of guy so I had to talk him down from going all out with 50+ birds. I'll be getting 20 and hope to end up with at least 10 laying hens. The coop plans are done, the brooder is nearly ready...I can't wait to get started! I have learned so much from you all and yet have sooo much more to learn.

Thank you for such a fun and informative website.
I'm new myself and I think I'm going to like it here. I am also very interested in sustainable living. I can't do nearly as much as I'd like but I do what I can. Do you have any seeds started yet?
We live south of Sparta but we lived in Cambria years ago, ummm 25 years ago.

Thank you all for the warm welcome.

As far as seeds go.. I'm chomping at the bit. I have a few starts inside, some herbs and daisies, spinach and watermelon. Outside so far, my rhubarb is going crazy and I'm planning on adding some asparagus next to it. I have peaches and blueberries too...

Oh and four sons, two married, two at home, One 9 month old granddaughter and one grandson coming in August, one old dog and soon my chickens.

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