Hi from Spain- New to chickens and loving it!

So glad you decided to join us.

Great Intro, love the pics.
Gosh, you're all so welcoming! Thank you :) K-Kritter, I just have to ask, what's a mealworm farm?! Sounds like fun! Our chickens are pretty lucky in that we live in an extremely rural area with a dry riverbed full of wildflowers that they just looove snatching up and eating (there's a kind of wild cabbage that is their absolute favourite), but there aren't so many bugs around this time of year here. Maybe a farm is the answer to my lack of worm woes!

@kurui - here is a link to the thread that got me excited about it! https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/492636/mealworm-farming. Hope this helps you some

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