Hi from Wisconsin

It's common for roosters to fight for dominance (sometimes even in the more docile breeds). You probably have too many roosters per hens. The recommended ratio of roosters to hens is 1 rooster for every 10 hens. Any more roosters than that can quickly lead to aggression, fights, feather plucking, and over-bred and battered hens. When you really get down to it, the only reason you really need a rooster is to fertilize eggs for hatching. I currently have 25 hens, no roosters, and I get loads of eggs without feeding any non-egg laying mouths, without the aggression, fights, crowing in the middle of the night, and over-bred and battered hens that frequently goes along with having roosters (especially too many of them). If you ratio is more than 1 rooster for every 10 hens, your flock will definitely be much better off if you trade those extra roosters in for some more hens.
Thanks! Yes, I do have too many roosters...well soon to be roosters. And I am trying to figure out what to do with the unneeded ones. My only issue is trying to decide which to keep, which is why I am trying to find a way for the black Australorp cockerel and the Salmon Faverolle cockerel to get alone. But I will maybe see how they are doing once the other cockerels are gone, hopefully that will fix it
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