Hi! I’m new here 😊

Sep 19, 2020
Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania
Hi everyone! I’m Kelly, and I am new to raising chickens. I got 5 about a week ago, and I am so excited as I’ve been wanting chickens my whole adult life!
I have (3) Red Sex Links, and (2) Easter Eggers. They’re 16 weeks old. I have spent a lot of time reading how-to’s and learning as much as I can about raising my own small flock. Everytime I have a question and I google it, this group pops up, it seems that there are so many people with so much experience who are willing to help, and I think that’s amazing and knew I had to join this little community! We live near the center of a small town, and are limited to how many chickens we can have, but we plan on selling and moving in the next 2 years. Our goal is to begin a homestead when we move, and we have so much to learn! I’m really looking forward to participating in this group. 😊
Hi Kelly, :frow My rooster wants to know how many hens you have? 🐔

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