Hi! I am new to this site

Hi! I have a pigeon and I don’t know it’s breed, age or gender so Please someone help me with that 🙏View attachment 2421021
Simple questions, but not easy to answer with pigeons. There are some signs to look for in birds under 3-6 months but unless banded with the year hatched you can't really know. For gender you can feel the width of the opening between pelvic bones - wider for hens, narrow for cocks but you probably need experience with a number of birds to use this method. I think the best way is to ask another pigeon, lol, by observing its behavior in the presence other birds of known gender. As to breeds, there are so many -
I suggest you get some more pics including closeups of the face/beak and post it on the pigeon talk thread(link below) over in the pigeon/dove forum. You should get some advice/guesses on all three questions.
All I can say from the pic is I think its a young bird, probably of breeding age and a very pretty saddle pattern.
@cavemanrich ?

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Thanks for the tag @rjohns39 !

PS- Is your bird going to be a house pigeon? If so check with @Serin . Your bird might be a similar breed to his Olive, an amazing house pet!!

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