Hi! I'm from Oregon.

Since posting earlier today, we went to our fav feed and seed and bought 3 barred rock and 3 buffs. I can hear them cheeping now. We also have a chicken tractor that needs some updating and we will move them there when the weather permits and they have feathers. That way the older chickens can see them through the wire when I Iet them out and hopefully get used to them. I did this once before and it worked Except???.....(.I will write about this later.) I am squimish about the pecking thing. I want them all to get along, and, of course, my husband tells me they are chickens.
BTY---The older chickens have a lovely hen house that my husband built. I call it the Chicken Palace. Huge for two chickens and needs to have more population in there. Plus more eggs for us.
Hello and welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us!
Thank You!! I am just starting to get onto the way this blog works. Sorry. I wasn't ignoring you.
Your help would be appreciated, that's for sure. Right now they are growing and cheeping alot. Thanks again....
Thank you. I hope so. My selection before these were Americanas or Aracaunas?? I got two browns and one white. The brown ones were so mean that they tried to kill the white one many times. I finally got rid of them. I still have the white one. She is sweet and loving and a great forager but not a very good egg layer. I loved the idea of the blue eggs but now I just want eggs and gentle chickens. Gentle chickens being the most important since there are only two of us. I will happily give away excess eggs.

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