Hi just became a member!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Oct 25, 2014
I am trying to figure out if my 2 roosters r cukoo marans or barred rocks...i have had mixed input...i am pretty confused on these gorgeous guys
I thought so too..but they have real light pink colored legs and r not the best temperment?
K thanks so much...I just wish i was sure. My neighbor raises all kinds..we got out her book..she thinks marans..but was not sure. I just want to know cuz when i sell them i want to sell the right thing. Is there a for sure way to tell?
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Glad you joined us!

Your roosters look like hatchery-quality Barred Rocks to me. The reason their legs are so light is because they are hatchery quality. Cuckoo Marans legs would be even whiter.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

I keep Barred Rock hens. Those do look like Barred Rock roosters to me as well.

Enjoy these gorgeous boys and welcome to our flock!

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