Hi! Just joined, but I've been a lurker for many months.....!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 14, 2012
Howdy, folks! Just joined today, but I must admit....(ahem....blush, blush....)....... I've been a "lurker" for many months - since early last spring! That's when I got bit with the bug to raise my own little backyard flock and started searching for information so I'd have a better idea of what I'd be getting myself into. Spent a lot of time on this site, as well as other sites, reading and learning, and really appreciate all the contributions from all the members here. Hope that I can add to the conversations! Unfortunately, the four girls I raised this summer were attacked by a predator a few weeks ago. (My dog had gotten in trouble with my neighbor for digging at the edge of his yard, and I could no longer leave her loose to watch over the coop at night, and those darn predators were smart enough to know the guard was no longer on duty. They were very determined to get in, and managed to pull it off.....so sad....) I'm rebuilding the coop and vow to make this rebuild the Ft Knox of chicken coops. I just got four new babies over the weekend that are a week old today, and have them in a brooder in the basement. I am so happy to be a chicken momma again!
I was a lurker before I joined too
I'm really sorry to hear about your chicks. I would be devastated. I have my coop inside two 6 X 8 ft. wire dog pens, with the top also. Dug around the pens about 12 inches and put fencing in the ground to discourage diggers. They are in a fortress!!! LOL
But the woods is right behind the coop so now I feel safe for my 6 hens that are about 6 mos. old.
Glad to have you aboard.
Thanks for all the warm welcomes!
Forgot to mention in my original post I'm in the Northern Kentucky area - just across the river from Cincinnati. Anyone else in my neck of the woods? If so, give me a shout - would love to get to know some local chicken lovers!
Hello from Oregon & welcome to BYC. Sorry to hear about your loss. My run is a dog kennel lined with chicken wire with a top. Ive had creepers but no one has gotten in. I let my girls out during the day to stretch. I did lose 1 to a dog but thats it so far.
Hi, MissChris & Francie - WELCOME to you both!

I'd highly recommend reading a ton in the coop section - for your fencing, be sure to sink it into the ground. I, too, learned the hard way, but "knock wood" after rebuilding and sinking my fencing into the ground, I have not had a loss!

Enjoy your new little ones, and be sure to post pics!!

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