Hi! new chicken owner in Baton Rouge, La

Hello, neighbor (I live right outside of Baton Rouge)! Your girls are adorable and are about the same age as mine. Mine are also still sleeping in a big pile on the coop floor, and they've been in their coop for about three weeks. They have recently started jumping on the roost and hanging out in the mornings and for their afternoon "siesta", so I figure they will roost at night in their own good time.
Thanks for the info.. My coop has a ladder up to the shelter area and they haven't figured that out yet, so i am placing them in their at night. Last night they jumped up on the roost more. I have had my chicks for 2 days and am in LOVE.. this is gonna be so much fun.. Enjoy your newbies too, how many do you have??
I have eight, and I absolutely love them. Who knew chickens are such cool creatures:)

What breeds are yours?

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