Hi! New chicken owner!


8 Years
Dec 26, 2015
New York
Hello! I'm Jack. I'm a new chicken owner,but not new to chickens. I've been around my friends chickens for years. I have a flock of 5, and will be growing it! I've made my own coops,which i want to share later and have a ton of questions! They've probably been asked a bunch of times,but maybe someone can learn from me and my chicken adventures! I'll see you all around!
Hi jack - welcome to BYC - feel free to fire away with any questions you may have.

All the best
i will!
Awesome Jack! Glad to have you on board. The forum is an awesome resource. You can find a ton of information sifting through old forums and certainly ask new questions too. I've learned a ton on this forum and also love hearing opinions of others on flock raising/chickens/coop construction. The featured articles are also a fantastic way to learn new things about chicken breeds, or other fowl. You'll love BYC!
Awesome Jack! Glad to have you on board.  The forum is an awesome resource.  You can find a ton of information sifting through old forums and certainly ask new questions too.  I've learned a ton on this forum and also love hearing opinions of others on flock raising/chickens/coop construction.  The featured articles are also a fantastic way to learn new things about chicken breeds, or other fowl.  You'll love BYC! 

Thanks! I actually got the idea to make my coops when i googled and found old threads from here! Seemed like every question I googled,led me here!

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