Hi new here


In the Brooder
May 1, 2015
So I have had chickens for a year now. Last year I bought Rhode Island Red chicks and as they grew they became very dark red and now this year I bought more Rhode Island Red chicks but this time they are very light red did I get a different breed by accident? I also have jersey Giants they grow to be pure black to my understanding, right now I have chicks and they have a little about of white on their feathers tips is that not right are they suppose to be pure black even when they are chicks?

You can get lighter RIR's, and darker. Usually, darker is preferable. At least, that's what I like. But, they all lay the same, and I personally think they are pretty friendly birds.
On the Jersey chicks..all of the photos that I've looked at, seem to have white when you. Like Australorps, that will go away as they get older.

Hello and welcome to BYC!

Is it possible your lighter colored birds may be red sex links? If you could photos of your RIR's (showing the 2 different shades of red), that would be helpful. @Cynthia12 makes a good point, even within the same breed, there can be some variation of color. Here's a photo of red sex link chicks that shows some different shades:

Nice to have you join us!
glad you have joined us.

I think it also depends on your source. If hatchery chicks, they may not be purebred. My small flock were all from one hatchery and there are color and personality differences among both breeds I have. If you got them from a feed and seed like TSC, they sometimes place them in the wrong bins, especially if only a few are by theirselves. But if your source was an independent reliable breeder, then likely just some variations.

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