Hi, Newbi here

Susan R

Feb 15, 2017
Hi thought it was time to introduce myself...

Not new to chickens, been raising them on and off for several years.... The flock that I have now started about 5 years ago when we bought our small farm..

I have aprox 55 chickens. One Rooster and 54 hens. Have a mix of Barred Rock, Buff Orpington, Australorp, Ameraucana, Rhode Island Red and some Silver Laced Wyandotte..
Yeah I know, I could not make up my minds which ones I wanted... lol
I found BackYardChickens.com while looking for help with some issues I was having with one chicken, found out what was wrong and was hooked. I enjoy getting on and reading what other people have to say about their chickens...

I also like to craft. I have one horse several cats, one dog and have a blast living on a small 16 acre farm. Love to can and take care of my animals.
:welcome I hope you enjoy it here! :bun.

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