Hi newbie here. New to this forum not new to chickens or pigeons..


In the Brooder
Nov 26, 2019
SE Georgia
As title said I'm not new to raising chickens and other feathered creatures. I'm retired and right now in process of converting my pigeon loft (where breeders were housed) to chicken coup. Other loft was sold along with my racing team in 2007, so I was without any birds for a while. I'm planning on keeping about half a dozen Rhode Island Red. So far I made automatic door opener controlled by photocell switch and time on delay timer. Automatic feeder and waterer are next.. I live in SE Georgia so the weather allow me to do this now.
Hi Broneck welcome to BYC :) I'm new my self hut have found everyone here to be very nice and helpful!
I wondered if I might be able to ask you a question about pigeons? I have attached a photo of Wookie below... He is a rescue pigeon we raised from a very small chick after he was hit by a car. He's finally been able to move into our new chook pen and out of the little cage we had him in. Wookie seems to be very lonely for pigeon company and we have been searching for a friend for him. We are going to pick up the pigeon in the second photo on Sunday but just thought you might know if pigeons of different breeds are likely to get along, and also whether there are any tell take signs of boys and girls? We are pretty sure that Wookie is a boy from his behavior and hoping the new one is a girl to avoid any conflict! Thanks for any help :)

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