Hi There!


In the Brooder
Apr 12, 2024
I hope this finds you all in good health and high spirits. Talwicca is my nickname but you can all call me Tal if you like. To introduce myself, I am a 68 year old wife, mother, grandmother and upcoming great grandmother who was raised on a small farm in Oregon and has recently returned to country life. Hubby and I moved to SE Missouri almost 2 years ago and bought a 10 acre property, We have 2 dogs, 4 cats, 6 hens, 2 roosters, 6 chicks and 4 ducklings. All of them are mixed breeds except the ducks. some of my other hobbies are Reborn Doll painting, Soap Making, and Jewelry Creation. I raised chickens years ago but then there were decades I lived in town and couldn't, so this time is fairly new to me. We got our first hens on the property a little over a year ago. I stumbled onto BYC and thought it was where I could find answers when I need them and share experiences too. I hope to get to know some of you.
I hope this finds you all in good health and high spirits. Talwicca is my nickname but you can all call me Tal if you like. To introduce myself, I am a 68 year old wife, mother, grandmother and upcoming great grandmother who was raised on a small farm in Oregon and has recently returned to country life. Hubby and I moved to SE Missouri almost 2 years ago and bought a 10 acre property, We have 2 dogs, 4 cats, 6 hens, 2 roosters, 6 chicks and 4 ducklings. All of them are mixed breeds except the ducks. some of my other hobbies are Reborn Doll painting, Soap Making, and Jewelry Creation. I raised chickens years ago but then there were decades I lived in town and couldn't, so this time is fairly new to me. We got our first hens on the property a little over a year ago. I stumbled onto BYC and thought it was where I could find answers when I need them and share experiences too. I hope to get to know some of you.
Well welcome here Tal. I'm glad you made it full circle and are back in country living. I moved from city to little village of 700 . I love it here. Folks are so friendly and helpful. I love this forum great folks on here. I've learned a bunch on here. I want to try my hand at making soap but seems I never have time. Anyway welcome here.

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