Hi to all !

seven dust is the best way to agressively get rid of mites
if you dont want to go that route there is sprays out there or dietamatious Earth
you could also try lemon juice in a spray bottle

but the seven dust get rid of them in hours of dusting

its this time of year that chickens over a year old start to molt (loss of lots of feathers)
how old is he?
when you pick him up does he feel like a porcupine?? with hard quils?

also he could have a vitamin difficancy you could go get organic apple cider vinager and start adding it to there water with some elecros
i had a RIR that pick at herself and it seem to stop after a did this for awhile (like a week)
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Add some conditioner like Game Bird Conditioner or Rooster Booster. Up his protein if it is a molt by giving them scrambled egg as a treat or rinsed off tuna from a can.
I started using the Game Bird Conditioner and my chooks love the stuff. It looks like seeds n whole grain mixed with pellets and comes in a red bag labeled GameBird Feed. The white tag will tell you wether you are picking up their actual feed bag or conditioner bag.

If you have posted enough to be able to add a pic that would be great for visual reference. This time of year chickens at his age go through their major molt which means they loose all feathers and get new ones. This can be a stressful molt and they need higher protein to help the new feathers come in. The higher protein helps reduce the naked effect a bit too.

Oh and Welcome to BYC
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Thank you, i think it may be molting, the feathers around his neck area, re thin, but he has alot of the quill type things there instead of the actual feathers. Again, thanks, I don't think I've posted enough yet to be able to ad photos.
This sounds like your rooster is going through the molting process. They may feel like they are weak not having their plumage. I'm sure that's all that is wrong with him.
you are so very welcome!!! thats what everyone is here for

oh and by they way enjoy the forum its mad fun and addicive
Just wanted to ask anyone, my Road Island Reds is acting strange, I believe he has gone through a molting, he lost alot of feathers, they are coming back but his comb has shrunken and has gone from a bright beautiful red to a pale red, almost orange color. He was always the king of the coop, now he acts like a timid little girl. Any ideas what could be wrong, I talk to him alot and try to boost his self esteem I thought maybe he was feeling bad about himself during the molting as he was looking kind of scrawny, but nothing seems to be working. He is eating and drinking well, out scratching every day, just not acting like himself. All of our roosters and hens are free range. Any ideas would be appreciated.
Yup, all signs post to molting. At least he's not a molting hen, they don't get scared they turn godzilla mad!
Thanks for your post, I sure got a giggle out of that one. I think one of our silkie hens is trying to make him feel better about himself. I just saw her walk up to him, it almost looked like she was giving him a kiss, is was just too cute. Also she has been walking right next to him for most of the day today, What a joy it is to watch these precious little creatures.

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