
FARMER-CONNIE-WAVE.gif jumping_egg_by_genshihebi-d3df7q9.gif
No, we have no plans to breed our chickens. We just want to enjoy them and their eggs obviously We got Buffs on the recommendation of the chicken guy at the feed store because they were great family birds supposedly. Go figure we end up with a rooster and a mean one at that. He is very aggressive especially with our daughter. He attacked her and hit her in the face the other day. It really is too bad because he is beautiful but so far nothing I have tried has stopped him from attacking when he feels like it.
Okay, that rooster needs to be rehomed to somewhere he can be a free-range a**hole and not hurt anyone, or go to freezer camp or the stew pot. I am so sorry, Buff Orps are some of the gentlest, best family breeds. The guy didn't mislead you, you just got really bad luck. Some roos seem to go insane with puberty and become vicious, cunning, relentless attackers. It's great if a roo protects his hens against actual predators, but if they are human-aggressive, they are not safe. I am sorry but Bob has to go IMHO. No way, no how, should a roo be allowed to hurt a child! It will just get worse now that he has crossed that line. Roos are amazing protectors and many are gentlemen, so don't give up if you want a roo! Maybe get a cochin. They're so sweet to people and I've ever heard of a mean cochin roo! Or even try another Buff Orp roo.

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