*Hidden Nature* A Shapeshifting RP

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Zypher slowed as he came to a stream. He went to the water and lapped the cool earthy tasting water. You couldn't buy water this good. All the human waters, all had a chemical taste.
Cadeon grinned, before teasingly saying, "You really know how to let a guy down easy. No sugar coating it for you."
Nashton grinned and giggled softly at his antics.
Navar was quite a long moment then said, "I believe I do. I have never fell in love before, but I think I did with her. But it doesn't matter anymore, she hates me and rightly she should. I'm no good for her anyway. For in what realm could a unicorn, be with a wild dog? It's for the best, she'll find another unicorn, one that is worthy of her. That way her bloodline will stay pure. I think she'll find him here." He finished on a whisper, as he looked off into the distance.
(He's having a pity party.
Anna came bounding forward then jumped over the stream, turning back when she landed on the other side. She stood with her paws in the shallow water before lowering her head to take a drink from it.

Ember blushed and dipped her head, smiling still. "Honesty is what I was taught to say." She mentioned, embarrassed but still happy.

"We are more than what our creatures are. She and I share a similar history, being alone most of our lives then being taken to that place and forced into cages" She stopped and looked away again. She shook her head "Maybe you are right and should give up on love, as uncommon and priceless as that is, maybe you will be lucky and find another" She shifted then and walked away, heading back to Amar.
Anna came bounding forward then jumped over the stream, turning back when she landed on the other side. She stood with her paws in the shallow water before lowering her head to take a drink from it. 


Ember blushed and dipped her head, smiling still. "Honesty is what I was taught to say." She mentioned, embarrassed but still happy.


"We are more than what our creatures are. She and I share a similar history, being alone most of our lives then being taken to that place and forced into cages" She stopped and looked away again. She shook her head "Maybe you are right and should give up on love, as uncommon and priceless as that is, maybe you will be lucky and find another" She shifted then and walked away, heading back to Amar. 

Zypher crouched down a moment before he bounded across the stream to start chasing after her.
Cadeon grinned at how she had blushed. "Well, sweetness. Honestly is always the best policy. No shame in that. Isn't that right Nashton? "
Nashton smacked Cadeon upside the head. "Tone it down puss in boots! That is a Mythical you are speaking with. Behave!" He scolded Cadeon.
Navar scowled at Star's words. He got up and ran after her. "What is that supposed to mean? 'Maybe I'll be lucky and find another? Who said I was looking and I'm not the one giving up, she won't even talk to me. So how can I apologize for what I did to her." He said a little frustrated with everything.
Name: Dragón
Age: 26 in human years
Gender: male
History: he is leader of the unicorn herd in the mountain. He's never been to the city.
Personality: Kind, strong, brave, tough, understanding.
True Form: (An animal) A pure white unicorn with a golden horn to show he's leader. He has blue eyes with golden specks.
Picture/Description: White/blond hair, ice blue eyes with golden specks, tall, muscular.
Username: ColorParakeet
(I'm sorry but I don't want Dragon to be a leader. If you can change his form so that he is just a unicorn I will accept it.)
Anna came bounding forward then jumped over the stream, turning back when she landed on the other side. She stood with her paws in the shallow water before lowering her head to take a drink from it. 


Ember blushed and dipped her head, smiling still. "Honesty is what I was taught to say." She mentioned, embarrassed but still happy.


"We are more than what our creatures are. She and I share a similar history, being alone most of our lives then being taken to that place and forced into cages" She stopped and looked away again. She shook her head "Maybe you are right and should give up on love, as uncommon and priceless as that is, maybe you will be lucky and find another" She shifted then and walked away, heading back to Amar. 

Zypher crouched down a moment before he bounded across the stream to start chasing after her.
Cadeon grinned at how she had blushed. "Well, sweetness. Honestly is always the best policy. No shame in that. Isn't that right Nashton? "
Nashton smacked Cadeon upside the head. "Tone it down puss in boots! That is a Mythical you are speaking with. Behave!" He scolded Cadeon.
Navar scowled at Star's words. He got up and ran after her. "What is that supposed to mean? 'Maybe I'll be lucky and find another? Who said I was looking and I'm not the one giving up, she won't even talk to me. So how can I apologize for what I did to her." He said a little frustrated with everything.
(Gosh. He needs to go after her, not just give up. I hate when men are whimps, and let go of things they love because their scared :p )
(What's Navar up to?)
Astird slowly walked a few blocks down then turned down an alley.
Buchanan jumped out of the water, but recovered slowly as he lay on the ground.
Sonora nodded.

( Navar is in the back of the Uhaul with Star )
Raine was keeping up. He knew he was slowing them down. But he was determined to get them to safety.
Nix slammed on the breaks and threw the car in reverse and tried to run over him again.
Keira led the way to the exit after the librarian was done. They headed back to the hotel.

Astrid came to an apartment building. She slowly entered the door and walk up a few flights of stairs then walked a few feet down a hallway where she came to a door. Gently, she knocked.
Buchanan jumped onto the car, transforming into a wolverine. He held on to the roof as he walked towards his seat, lowering to the window before jumping inside. He sat on Nix's lap, growing fiercely.
Sonora followed, shivering in the late night breeze.
Storm slowly moved closer. "I'll do my best." He said so softly that no one else could here. Storm too wished to leave, and would do everything he could to free Estelle.
(Oh, ok.)
Azure looked down, feeling herself blush a little. Which would be the first time ever. When he coughed she became concerned. "Are you alright?"

Degan nodded to keep from talking. He then shifted into his winged lion form and then back to human form again. "Yes, I'm good now. It's just this collar carries a nasty spell that is initiated when I cross that forcefield.

"Oh." She said sadly. "I'm sorry, that happened." She apologized sincerely.
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