*Hidden Nature* A Shapeshifting RP

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Zia slept, unaware of the two talking. She shifted and curled up in a tight ball of fur.

"I do now know. Sleep I assume." 

Degan nodded at that and stretched out on the floor. He was feeling tired too.

Pyro had leaned against the wall and his heavy eyelids won finally.
Aeval smiled, "Good, I was thinking the same thing. I guess the city took it out of us. Bit then we haven't slept since we fished." She explained as she crawled into the Griffen nest. It was pretty comfortable. She laid down and curled up. Bring her legs up and resting her head on the soft grasses used to line it with.
Star looked to Dawn againt hen reached over to open the door to let him out "A debt for what?" She asked, confused.

Dawn slide down the wall and listened.
Degan nodded at that and stretched out on the floor. He was feeling tired too.

Pyro had leaned against the wall and his heavy eyelids won finally.
Aeval smiled, "Good, I was thinking the same thing. I guess the city took it out of us. Bit then we haven't slept since we fished." She explained as she crawled into the Griffen nest. It was pretty comfortable. She laid down and curled up. Bring her legs up and resting her head on the soft grasses used to line it with.
Zia slept peacefully.
Dust laid down where he was, keeping one eyes half open as he rested.
Star looked to Dawn againt hen reached over to open the door to let him out "A debt for what?" She asked, confused.

Jackdaw blinked at the sudden brightness. But his eyes adjusted quickly enough. "For you service of freeing me from my would be master. Those are nasty spells. Who was my master anyway. I'd like to return the favor someday." He said with conviction.
Don was scared for his little girl, though he didn't know if she had Auralius or not, simply having these two up against her and Jason was bad enough. "I do not know, as I have said twice already" He said truthfully. He could assume, but he didn't know for certain.
Kyra frowned in thought a bit "I think I have had that before, but there were no mesquite trees in my forest. Maybe there are some here and we can try that sometime" 


Ember had a sandwich for herself, enjoying it while keeping an eye on Jackie. Both females smiled at seeing Garth enjoy his so much.

Skylar returned his smile, waiting for questions as she moved to take a seat on the couch. She figured he might have a few since being free was an unknown to him.

"No" Anna said and frowned "We don't deal with terrorists. They never keep their deals, or they ask for what we cannot give up. He won't have father for long anyway" She said then moved to look her in the eyes "Father would want us to keep you safe and if we attempted to trade then he would simply try to capture me too. We cannot let him have you again."


Aaron followed her over and knelt nearby, looking at the water "I can make it safe if it hurts you" He said after watching her a moment "I don't want you to be hurt"

"No, I am not that cruel" Aurora said and watched him "Though I am uncertain" She added then shook her head and settled to the ocean floor so she could crack the glass, giving him another air bubble so he could breath on the way to the surface. 

Pariah smiled evilly at Don before she shifted to her full Demos form. Her crown of snakes focused upon him intently. She could see heat signatures better in this form. Determining no deception, she shifted and turned to leave without a word.
Graydon shrugged, "It's no big deal. I'm liking the wood you choose. I'm not even sure I'd like it. " He explained further.
Cadeon finished up browning his sandwich and reclaimed his spot to eat with them.
Jaxon took inventory of the room and came to sit on the couch. He then asked the questions he'd been curious about. "So, why are there plants inside? Why do you have mini animals on a shelf? Why did you cut holes in the walls, if you are going to cover them up with fabric and glass?"
Aurelius was quiet for a long moment. She then nodded stiffly and looked out the window again. "Alright, Anna." She said softly.
Knowing Aaran was there, gave her the needed strength to plunge into the water. She giggled softly at the sensation. It felt like a cat licking her skin.
Omen braced himself as the dragon took him up to the surface.
Jackdaw blinked at the sudden brightness. But his eyes adjusted quickly enough. "For you service of freeing me from my would be master. Those are nasty spells. Who was my master anyway. I'd like to return the favor someday." He said with conviction.

Starr shrugged and looked to Dawn then back to him. "I did not hear you name him, but I think it was Vatgkan. It felt the same as when he took me." She said andshivered a little. That had not been a good time.
Pariah smiled evilly at Don before she shifted to her full Demos form. Her crown of snakes focused upon him intently. She could see heat signatures better in this form. Determining no deception, she shifted and turned to leave without a word.
Graydon shrugged, "It's no big deal. I'm liking the wood you choose. I'm not even sure I'd like it. " He explained further.
Cadeon finished up browning his sandwich and reclaimed his spot to eat with them.
Jaxon took inventory of the room and came to sit on the couch. He then asked the questions he'd been curious about. "So, why are there plants inside? Why do you have mini animals on a shelf? Why did you cut holes in the walls, if you are going to cover them up with fabric and glass?"
Aurelius was quiet for a long moment. She then nodded stiffly and looked out the window again. "Alright, Anna." She said softly.
Knowing Aaran was there, gave her the needed strength to plunge into the water. She giggled softly at the sensation. It felt like a cat licking her skin.
Omen braced himself as the dragon took him up to the surface.

Son shivered a little, looking away when she shifted. Even if stories of a snake haired female that could turn you to stone were false, he did not want to test that. After she left and he was finally alone, he went over to take a look at the lock.
Kyra chuckled and bumped his arm playfully " Maybe, but now it's something I want to try, if that's possible. We will have to see."
Jackie soon finished her meal. She smiled gently at them then got up to head for her room to get some rest.
Skylar chuckled softly "Plants inside make it feel more natural and keep the air fresh and pure. The mini animals are there because they are cute." That was accompanied witha shrug before she continued "The windows are there so we can see outside while the fabric blocks some of the sunlight when we want it darker."
Anna watched her then looked outside also. "We will get father back again, but we cannot do so at the expense of your life. He wouldn't allow that. Its not right"
Aaron watched her, smiling when she started laughing at the sensation of the shocks. He still watched, making sure she didn't start hurting instead.
Aurora surfaced and looked at Omen again, curious about him now. "Do you even know who you were fighting? Or just the lies Marcus told." She asked "I do not even know what to call you."
Dawn slide down the wall and listened. 
Zia slept peacefully. 
Dust laid down where he was, keeping one eyes half open as he rested. 

Degan and Pyro slept.
(Time skip?)
Aeval slept for a short time and quietly got up. She walked over to the cave opening and looked out at the forest. She saw an elk down below. She smiled as she thought about swooping down like a hawk and snatching it up for their breakfast. But she sat on the ledge instead. She didn't want to wake him, he needed his rest.

Dawn watched him cautiously. She didn't know if it worked or not. 

Starr shrugged and looked to Dawn then back to him. "I did not hear you name him, but I think it was Vatgkan. It felt the same as when he took me." She said andshivered a little. That had not been a good time.

Jackdaw nodded in thought. He did know the self-centered fey. He never liked him much before his fall for favor after the murder of the king.but he pushed that aside for now and focused on a more pressing matter. "I must get another protection pendant." He said, before he remembered Kash had the one that was to be Dawns. But where was the Sylph now? "Dawn, where is your guardian Sylph? Kash has one that I could use." He asked her curiously, then frowned at her look. "You okay Dawn?
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Starr nodded and touched her throat. She needed to get some new pendants herself. She sighed softly and stepped back "I will let you two be, I need to find my pendants or replacements for them."
Don shivered a little, looking away when she shifted. Even if stories of a snake haired female that could turn you to stone were false, he did not want to test that. After she left and he was finally alone, he went over to take a look at the lock.
Kyra chuckled and bumped his arm playfully " Maybe, but now it's something I want to try, if that's possible. We will have to see."
Jackie soon finished her meal. She smiled gently at them then got up to head for her room to get some rest.
Skylar chuckled softly "Plants inside make it feel more natural and keep the air fresh and pure. The mini animals are there because they are cute." That was accompanied with a shrug before she continued "The windows are there so we can see outside while the fabric blocks some of the sunlight when we want it darker."
Anna watched her then looked outside also. "We will get father back again, but we cannot do so at the expense of your life. He wouldn't allow that. Its not right"
Aaron watched her, smiling when she started laughing at the sensation of the shocks. He still watched, making sure she didn't start hurting instead.
Aurora surfaced and looked at Omen again, curious about him now. "Do you even know who you were fighting? Or just the lies Marcus told." She asked "I do not even know what to call you."

Pariah found Markus in his private quarters. Markus looked up as she walked in. "Well?"

Pariah shrugged as she said, "He doesn't know where they are. But I think his daughter may know, for it make the most sense. My scan was inconclusive, due to his dislike of my true form."

"The Medusa look, most likely." Markus stated simply. "But if I recall, her whole bottom half was a snake as well. Not just her hair." Markus added absently.
Graydon grinned happily and said, "Well, then we will find a way to get some, then. But we have hickory for now."

Cadeon returned her smile and watched her leave. Something had happened, but he wasn't going to pry. He turn hid attention to Ember.
Jaxon accepted her explanations and thought about them in new light. He like how her house look, it did feel welcoming and not at all, like the labs he knew.
Aurelius couldn't stop the tear that escaped the corner of her eye. She'd never felt more lived in her whole life, then she did at Anna's words. She looked to Anna with glossy eyes and whispered, "Thank you."
"Do you want me to fix you something to eat?" Luce asked Jason. Hoping it would delay his departure. She admitted to herself, 'yes, she was that selfish.' She waited with baited breath for his reply.
Elina withdrew her hand and wiped it dry on her clothing. "That's not at all what I thought it would feel like. " She said softly.
Omen thought carefully and recalled his orders, "We were to neutralize hostels. The spiders were an added agenda, due to their propensity to attack humans and the city. As for lies, they were everything we expected them to be. They call me Omen. What are you called, Blue? No, I'm kidding, it's... ah, there it is! Aurora the blue?" He asked with soft humor.

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