*Hidden Nature* A Shapeshifting RP

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Danika chuckled and looked from one to the other "That is quite the coincidence." She said softly. She glanced around then shifted to her human form, that of a young white haired girl that was about 13 years old. She was wearing a pretty dress that her friend had given her."Are you shifters or normal animals?" She asked curiously

"Shifters though I don't shift often," she responded
Racine was looking over the castle plans in his tent. Elina sat quietly in the corner reading an Earth novel. Racine looked up to look across the room. "You're awful quite. Has something happened between you and Aaran? " He asked slightly concerned.

"My dear brother, when one is reading, their mind is otherwise occupied. " Elina looked up as she flipped the page. She smiled ruefully." Besides, you seem quite occurred yourself. Are things progressing as planned? " She asked, as she indicated the blueprints.

Racine nodded and looked down again. "As well as to be expected, I suppose." He explained. He then straightened and went to sit at his desk. He was surprised by a cloaked figure as it stepped through the tent flap. Judging by build and the ability to get past his gaurds, it could only be one. "Ender, we have to stop meeting like this. Let me guess, Avalon has resended her peace offer?" He inquired curiously.

Elina stood with a gasp, as the book fell to the ground.

Ender held his hands up. "Easy! That’s not why I've come. It seems the last of the fey wolves, is to be on trial. For Jackdaw still lives." He explained.

Racine broke out in laughter. " Nonsense! Well, maybe here. But when I fled, I bought one with me to earth's realm. You see, I owned him a favor and Avalon did decree their immediate extinction." He stated matter-of-factly. Racine looked to his sister and smirked, before returning his gaze to Ender. " Prince Jackdaw and myself..... had a falling out. But I know him to be innocent of the crime. I will go to this trial, under one condition. I don't come alone." At Ender's sharp look, Racine held up his hands. "It's not what you think. Just four will be in my entourage. Castiel, Elina and two others of my choosing. Don't look at me that way. You can't honestly expect me to go into a hostile territory...ALONE! We both know, I'm not that stupid." Racine said, as he untied his shirt front and took off one of his prized pendants. It was made with a dragon's breath opal. He whispered a portal spell to it, before he threw it on the desk. "Take it, so you don't have to sneak back in here with her reply. It doesn't become you, Ender. You're more noble than that." He said with all seriousness.

Ender slowly stepped forward and took the opal pendant. "I shall deliver your terms to queen Avalon and her subsequent reply." He said softly, before he turned and left. Racine watched after him for a moment, before he turning to his sister. " The truth shall set you free, dear sister. The question is, are you ready for it?" He asked.

Elina's legs gave out on her, despite her willing them to stay strong. Was it true? Was the day of reckoning here? Would her mother's suffering finally bring light to the past king's unworthiness of the throne.
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Star frowned and stood to look after Lucille "I think it may have been what I said, we should go after her" She said quietly and got up to follow the other princess.

Sorcha smiled and nodded "I would do anything for our kingdom." She said softly. "I have all I need" 

Kyra wiped her hand against his shirt and smiled up at him. "Really?" She asked cheekily then danced away, going towards her room

Jackie flew around the marked borders of her land, testing out her new ability. She flew close to the water, running a finger along the surface to create a ripple.

Kristen gave a laughing scream when he placed her over his shoulder like that. She couldn't help the laughter as she held herself up a little bit "Well, I have never traveled like this before" She said teasingly. She glanced to the side to see Skylar and Jaxon at the window and raised a hand to wave bye to them both with an embarrassed giggle.

"I would like that, just relax and actually watch one of these movies with you" Ember said and smiled at him. She looked to the door when Orson came out with Kristen over his shoulder and raised an eyebrow at him "Going caveman style, aren't you?"

Aurora chuckled softly "Well, when someone sets out to learn something they usually join a class to do that, More often than not it's more than one student, but it still applies." She said then shrugged.

Rosie looked to him then shrugged "They must have moved us while we slept. I don't hear anyone moving in the other rooms, so they must have gone out" She said then blushed and looked away. "I guess they left us together"


Skylar smiled at him and reached for his hand. She jumped and looked to Orson when he came through, headed out the door then blushed and looked to Jaxon again. "Alright, don't do that to me and we'll be fine" She said then chuckled softly.

Anna sighed softly and looked to the door, waiting to see who all came in. "Come in, we have much to discuss before this day is over with" She said, keeping her hold on Zypher even as she watched to assess the newcomers. They needed fighters, and now they would have them, if they chose to stay.

"Dire and Maned?" Don asked, surprised at the mix. "I'll give you the crow's flocking, even though they aren't the best to use, but nothing can make a dire go against it's nature. They are and always will be loners and they won't listen to a common gray like me, even though I am alpha. I am not his alpha, not without defeating him, and that would mean killing him" He said then folded his arms "Besides, if I did help you then you would just turn that creature lose on my family and that I can't allow"

Falkirk shook his head, "No, you should go. I believe I'd only be in the way. I feel a feminine hand is needed here. I shall stay with the queen." He said, indicating her lack of gaurds.

Avalon stood and smoothed her gown absently as she glanced around. "Then I shall leave you to it, then. Thank you, Sorcha. " She replied pleasantly.
Lucille only made it partway down the hallway. She had ducked into an archway and crumbled to the floor in a sobbing huddle.
Graydon trailed her with his eyes. At her levity, he rolled his eyes with a smile. He pulled out his shirt to look at the residual slime. He made a face as he took the shirt off and balled it up and wiped his own hand on it. "I feel so used." He called after Kyra. He then went to the sink to wash it out.
Sergio was right by her side. She smiled happily at how well Jackie took to flying. But above all, having someone to fly with. That was a first for her. "You're a natural!" She yelled over the wind in their ears.
Orson grunted at her statement. Her giggling vibrated through his shoulder. He swatted her bottom. "Quiet female! Before you distract me further. " He grumbled. He didn't notice Skylar and Jaxon. He just breezed by. Once free of the obstacle of the front door, he thundered down the stairs. He was so focused on his task, that once Ember's words registered, he turned to face her and Cadeon. He flashed a wide smiled and stated. "Yep! If I knew it was this much fun, I'd have done it sooner." He then turned and walked away towards the woods. Pinching Kristen playfully, "Stop giggling! This is serious! " He said sternly, with a big smile on his face.
Cadeon was slack jawed at the sight that they presented. "Oh, my." He said softly. But burst into laughter at Orson's reply. "They do have a strange relationship." He stated good-naturedly.
Aeval nodded as she understood. "Of course, I was over thinking it. So how will you gage my skill level?" She asked quietly.
Ericsson blushed equally, before he cleared his throat. "But we've been alone before." He justified. He then looked to the bed. " But not sleeping in the same bed. Umm, is it getting hot in here or is it just me?" He asked awkwardly. He cautiously moved his legs to the edge of the bed.
Jaxon was wide-eyed as he observed Kristen and Orson. As they went out the front door . He moved closer to the window to keep watch outside after them. When Skylar spoke, Jaxon agreed to never do that. "You have my word. But should we not assist her?" He asked extremely concerned.
Zypher stood tall and watched as the hyenas filed in the doorway filling the room. In one motion, they knelt on one knee and tipped their heads to the side, bearing their throats to Anna. Their loyalty unquestionable, for it was their way. They spoke in unison, "You keep what you kill." Zypher then looked to Anna and smiled broadly.
Markus shrugged indifferently. He then leaned against the bars . "You've already helped me. So thanks for that. You know, perhaps if we weren't in opposition, you and me might have got along." He speculated absently.
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Starr nodded and got up to go after Lucille after giving Falkirk a kiss. She hated to be separated from him, but felt she had to help Lucille as much as she could. She headed outside and looked around then followed the sounds of sobbing until she found the other princess there. "Lucille? Are you alright?"
Sorcha nodded and stood with her, bowing her head respectfully. "Of course, my queen. It is my pleasure to help you in any way I can" She said and smiled then turned to go to her worktable to get started on the spell needed to see that far in the past.
Kyra giggled and stuck her head back out "Well, you shouldn't have got me with it" She teased happily then stuck her tongue out at him before going into her room again.
Jackie hadn't had this much fun in years. She laughed and flipped herself over then back upright again "I love this, I feel so free" She said happily. "I can't believe I was afraid of heights before" She said and twisted around to fly over the pond again, looking at her reflection in the water.
Kristen couldn't help it though she gave a squeal when he hit her backside like that. "Hey, don't do that or I will have to retaliate" She warned even as she did, though she wasn't even trying to hurt him. When he pinched her, she narrowed her eyes then grabbed his shirt, raising it to give him a raspberry on his back "No pinching." She said then laughed again.
Ember flushed and hid against Cadeon's side again with a nod "But they do love eachother" She said softly, watching them leave the yard then focusing on Cadeon again.
"It is not your skill level exactly, but your birth element that we must determine to know how best to teach you." Aurora explained "All dragons have a natural affinity for a certain element even though they can use the others to a certain extent. Like I am a deep sea dragon, the ocean and water are my birth element. The male inside, his element is fire, my opposite. Then there are the other two main elements, earth and air, and after them the secondary elements. like acid, blood, bone and many others."
Rosie looked to him and hopped up to go around to his side of the bed "Do you feel alright? You didn't get your bedtime medicine last night' She said, immediately worried for him again. She bit her lip then looked up and to his eyes "I don't mind being with you"
Skylar chuckled and shook her head "Those two are mates, or as good as." She said then looked to him again "Now if either one was being hurt, I wouldn't condone it, but they are both happy and playing together. It's not a type of playing that I would find fun, but she seems to like it, so I won't interfere....except." She paused and ran to the door "Don't forget that the madman is still after you, be careful" She warned Orson when she realized he was headed for the woods.
Anna blinked then dipped her head in a single nod. "I know that is the hyena way, this is your one chance to leave without retaliation. If you are staying, you will follow my rules, and Zypher and my brother's when they chose to make rules. This building is our home base and needs to be protected. I see just how much now, but we do have human tenets so we have to keep a low profile" She said then started explaining some of the rules and what was expected in her pack.
Don shrugged and looked to Marcus "You chose this path, you could have chosen peace instead, then we wouldn't be in this situation. And I gave you nothing a course in basic animal nature wouldn't give you. It would be like a wolf leading a pack of hyenas, not something that would happen in nature" He said then shrugged and looked to his breakfast to eat again though he never fully took his attention off the two of them.
Lucille looked up at the sound of her name. She wiped her eyes and shook her head vigorously. "No, I'm not. Because I'm a horrible individual, Princess Star." She sobbed, before dissolving into tears once more.
Falkirk stepped forward and offered his arm to queen Avalon as she moved to leave. She looked to his offered arm and smiled as she wrapped her arm around his. "Why, thank you. I haven't been offered an arm in a very long time. So tell me, prince Falkirk, are you so out of practice, that both princesses have run from you?" She teased him. As he stammered for a reply, she chuckled, "I jest. You really must get out more Falkirk. You're too serious all the time." She said as he opened the door for her.

Finally finding his voice, Falkirk apologized. "I'm sorry, my queen. I shall endeavor to be more active in your courts affairs."

Avalon laughed openly. " And I'm to believe that's because of my influence and not on behalf of a certain princess? I care not why, you get involved, I'll take it. I need my loyal subjects, more then ever Falkirk." She said on a serious note. She looked down the hallway to see Ender rushing to meet them. Ender was already speaking in her mind. "Go to Star, Falkirk. You needn't play chaperone for me. But thank you anyway." She whispered, as she leaned in to kiss his cheek. She then glided down the hall to meet up with Ender.

Falkirk turned to follow Star's scent down the other hallway. But he was sure he stayed a distance when he found both Princesses.
Graydon looked over his shoulder at Kyra as she spoke. He then mouthed her words as he went back to scrubbing. Then he had an idea. After all, her hand was still slightly dirty. "Kyra? " He called out to her. He wrung out the shirt just barely. He then looked into her room. "Oh, Kyra?!" He called again. He'd wring the rest out on her.
Sergio grinned as she behaved like a child again. For Jackie's reactions fed into she renewed excitement. Sergio swoop low and grabbed a fish from the water like an eagle. She eagerly ate it on the wing. Cooked food was fine, but fresh and raw, was a gargoyles favorite.
Unexpectedly, when Kristen raspberried him, Orson found out that he was ticklish. "OOh, now you're wearing red in front of a bull, I see." He said with mock seriousness. He easily spun around at Skylar's warning and raised his arm in acknowledgement. He then turned to continue on his way. While reaching up to give Kristen a few more pinches. "That should give you something to think about, other than giving me more raspberries. You crafty Vixen! "He said playfully.
Cadeon chuckled lightly as he hugged Ember. "That's good. Because I'm sure that's abduction and assault in most States." He said with humor. " Shall we head inside or sit on the porch? " He asked her curiously.
Aeval thought reflectively. " I can turn glass to sand, spit acid venom and somehow diamond coated our scales as we slumbered. So what does that make us?" Aeval asked confused.
Ericsson nodded , "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm not in any pain." He then stopped in his movements as they locked eyes. "Just as I enjoy your company. I just hope you know, I don't ever want to make you feel uncomfortable around me. Just as I want you to know, I'll never hurt you." He said quietly, as he continued to hold her gaze. But before he continued, he finally looked away. He took a deep breath and stated, "I can safely say, last night was the best night's sleep I've ever had. And the why's that they put us together, doesn't matter to me. But there was one standard I always had. You see, that was the first time..." he brought his hand up to rub the back of his neck. "I've ever slept with a woman in my arms, let alone in my bed. The simple intimacy of waking up with you so close to me... I dare say, I liked it very much." Ericsson slowly looked down to meet her eyes once again and moved in to kiss her tenderly.
Jaxon pressed aginst the glass to see better as Skylar called out to them. When he straightened, he was horrified by the smudge prints of the side of his face on the glass. He gasped and looked around for something to wipe it away. The lack of options, led him to use his sleeve. He buffed the spot furiously, only to find it was making it worse.
They straightened and listened quietly to the new alpha and her pack mandates. They'd never heard of a lot of them and feared they might mess up here and there. "We would like to try your ways. We have seen what your ways has accomplished. If he can do it. Perhaps so can we." Ackley said respectfully, as she glanced to Zypher.

There was a murmur of agreement to her statement from the others.
(Don is physic! :gig )
Markus smiled ironically and pushed off the bars. "That may be. But we have trodden the paths we were put upon without regret. I guess in the grand scheme of things, we are exactly where we are supposed to be." He replied as he moved to leave the cell. Pariah stepped back as he closed and locked the cell door. Markus took a seat on the couch and uncovered his own breakfast there. He started eating, while Pariah silently walked around the room like a specter.
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"I doubt that" Starr said as she knelt beside Lucille to gently put a hand on her shoulder, offering a hug. "Why would you even think that you are a horrible person?" She asked curiously.
Kyra turned, coming back to the door then pausing when he came to it "Yes?" She asked, not knowing what he had planned. When she saw the still wet shirt in his hands, she tilted her head then started to step back from him.
Jackie watched her as she grabbed the fish right out of the water like that. She flared her wings out to land on the bank and looked from Sergio to the water again, her thoughts going to Bertram and wondering where he was right then.
Kristen squirmed at the pinches, giggling again. She kicked her feet in the air, though she wasn't really trying to get free from him. "Hey, no pinching" She said again, preparing to give him another raspberry on his back.
"Porch, I like to see the sky" Ember replied and smiled up at him then stood straighter so they could walk side-by-side. She looked back to him ang grinned "Unless you think we could sneak in a movie before the next major catastrophe?"
Aurora paused and looked to Aveal confused at the list. "You truly are three in one. Acid, diamond, sand. This will be interesting." She said, thinking about it then shaking her head "Alright, Diamond is not an active one, it is defense or protection alone. Sand can be defense or attack depending on how you use it. Sand dragons are also called desert dragons. The last, Acid, is attack alone, so you can pretty much be an all around fighter when you need to be." She said then looked around the area "Diamond can also be a focus for other types, like light dragons or rainbow ones. In the old days they could make shields, but the weapons of this age can break through unless it is very thick. Look at that tree standing alone and focus on it, try to make a shield wall around it"
Rosie blushed at his words, moving to return the kiss gently. She wished she could say the same to him, but she couldn't "We sleep in piles sometimes, like wild wolves do. We found out a long time ago that the pack warmth helps us heal faster and better, but I have never been so happy to wake up beside someone. I like waking up with you too" She said softly.
Skylar came back in to see him buffing the glass and could guess what had happened. She chuckled and headed over to the kitchen to grab a rag and glass cleaner when she found some. She came back out to him and showed it to him "This works much better" She said, showing him the natural cleaner then showing him how it was used. "Just a part of living in a house, you learn what to do for certain situations" She said then winked at him and went to put it away again.
Anna nodded and smiled gently "That is all we can ask, is for you to try. Now, we have to get you all rooms and wake Nashton so we can get started on saving my father" She said as she looked to Zypher, hoping there was still time to stay on track with all of this. "We still need to get that signal booster in place so we can try to find him."
(lol, well he does know that Anna is with Zypher now)
Don nodded then shook his head while he ate the bacon. "Not quite, but I do understand your point of view, at least a little. It is warped to my way of thinking, but that is nothing new. What is it that you hope to accomplish anyway? What is your goal?"
"I've never needed to," she responded.
Danika tilted her head curiously at that "I don't know if it was needed, but having two forms does help, at least from what I know." She had to admit that she didn't know much given her history and lack of memories before about a week ago.

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