*Hidden Nature* A Shapeshifting RP

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Raine ended the call and walked back over to them. "That was my friend, it seems something big is going down with the pack. So I've gotta head back into the city. It was really good to meet you, Raven and Danika." He said as he shifted to his raven once more and took flight in a blur of ebony feathers. He circled and called down, "If either of you ever need anything, look for the Guardians, they're everywhere."
Raine ended the call and walked back over to them. "That was my friend, it seems something big is going down with the pack. So I've gotta head back into the city. It was really good to meet you, Raven and Danika." He said as he shifted to his raven once more and took flight in a blur of ebony feathers. He circled and called down, "If either of you ever need anything, look for the Guardians, they're everywhere."

"Ok!" she called up to the raven as he flew away, then she turned to the unicorn,"I'm going to follow him, see what's going on ok?" She then started running after the raven.
Danika watched them, taking notr that the raven had flown out of sight quickly. She shrugged and looked at a tree stump, going to kneel beside it and help a new sapling grow.
"Ok!" she called up to the raven as he flew away, then she turned to the unicorn,"I'm going to follow him, see what's going on ok?" She then started running after the raven.

Danika watched them, taking notr that the raven had flown out of sight quickly. She shrugged and looked at a tree stump, going to kneel beside it and help a new sapling grow.

Raine didn't notice Raven trying to follow him. He flew with urgency to his lady love and pack mates. Weaving through the tall skyscrapers in the process.
"I doubt that" Starr said as she knelt beside Lucille to gently put a hand on her shoulder, offering a hug. "Why would you even think that you are a horrible person?" She asked curiously.

Kyra turned, coming back to the door then pausing when he came to it "Yes?" She asked, not knowing what he had planned. When she saw the still wet shirt in his hands, she tilted her head then started to step back from him.

Jackie watched her as she grabbed the fish right out of the water like that. She flared her wings out to land on the bank and looked from Sergio to the water again, her thoughts going to Bertram and wondering where he was right then.

Kristen squirmed at the pinches, giggling again. She kicked her feet in the air, though she wasn't really trying to get free from him. "Hey, no pinching" She said again, preparing to give him another raspberry on his back.

"Porch, I like to see the sky" Ember replied and smiled up at him then stood straighter so they could walk side-by-side. She looked back to him ang grinned "Unless you think we could sneak in a movie before the next major catastrophe?"
Aurora paused and looked to Aveal confused at the list. "You truly are three in one. Acid, diamond, sand. This will be interesting." She said, thinking about it then shaking her head "Alright, Diamond is not an active one, it is defense or protection alone. Sand can be defense or attack depending on how you use it. Sand dragons are also called desert dragons. The last, Acid, is attack alone, so you can pretty much be an all around fighter when you need to be." She said then looked around the area "Diamond can also be a focus for other types, like light dragons or rainbow ones. In the old days they could make shields, but the weapons of this age can break through unless it is very thick. Look at that tree standing alone and focus on it, try to make a shield wall around it"
Rosie blushed at his words, moving to return the kiss gently. She wished she could say the same to him, but she couldn't "We sleep in piles sometimes, like wild wolves do. We found out a long time ago that the pack warmth helps us heal faster and better, but I have never been so happy to wake up beside someone. I like waking up with you too" She said softly.

Skylar came back in to see him buffing the glass and could guess what had happened. She chuckled and headed over to the kitchen to grab a rag and glass cleaner when she found some. She came back out to him and showed it to him "This works much better" She said, showing him the natural cleaner then showing him how it was used. "Just a part of living in a house, you learn what to do for certain situations" She said then winked at him and went to put it away again.
Anna nodded and smiled gently "That is all we can ask, is for you to try. Now, we have to get you all rooms and wake Nashton so we can get started on saving my father" She said as she looked to Zypher, hoping there was still time to stay on track with all of this. "We still need to get that signal booster in place so we can try to find him."

(lol, well he does know that Anna is with Zypher now)
Don nodded then shook his head while he ate the bacon. "Not quite, but I do understand your point of view, at least a little. It is warped to my way of thinking, but that is nothing new. What is it that you hope to accomplish anyway? What is your goal?"

Lucille took Star's offered comfort. She drew herself into Star's embrace. Lucille explained, "If he's cleared, he'll get his title and holdings back. As well as me "She broke down again in tears, before she could say she loved another.
Graydon gave his best innocent smile. "I think you have overlooked one simple thing." He said as he took a step forward for every step she took backwards.
Bertram woke as Jackie touched him with her thoughts. "I'm here." He replied in her mind as he rolled up on his tucked legs to rest on his belly. He then shifted his weight to gain his feet. "I was just resting from my feast." He replied honestly, as he shook out his mane and walked ashore.
(How awkward is it he ate gargoyle and Jackie is now one. :oops: )

Sergio noticed Jackie and Bertram together, so she continued to hunt for fish.
Satisfied that they were deep enough in the treeline, Orson set Kristen on her feet. He gave her a mischievously look for that last raspberry. "You better run." He said ominously, with a devious smile.
Cadeon pursed his lips in thought. "I'm not sure Jackie has movies. We watched them at Zypher's. I'm perfectly content to just be alone with you, with no distractions." He said as he started walking with her.
Aeval was fascinated by all the new information. She focused on the tree with all her might. When nothing happened, she shifted to her dragon and tried again. She felt the ground quiver slightly as things were drawn from the earth to form a circular wall it then glowed orange and turned translucent as it cooled. Aeval looked to her sisters, before looking down at Aurora. "Is that what was supposed to happen?" She asked curiously.
Ericsson smiled gently as he tucked a stray hair behind Rosie's ear. "I revealed that to explain my reaction earlier. I'm not in competition with your nature. I know packs are very close." He said respectfully.
Jaxon was deep red, as he watched Skylar clean up his mess. When she came back from putting things up. "I still have so much to learn. Thank you for showing me." He said softly.
Zypher nodded as he stepped away to go get Nashton from the kitchen cabinet. He held him up and looked at him, "I have some smelling salts in my office." He explained as he held Nashton close, stroking his fur softly as he walked with him.

Merrick headed out to remove the thing used to keep the other penthouse door blocked. But no sooner had he done that, he found himself on his back with a lion on top of him. He gasped out, "Alpha Anna!" Before Taylor held his whole face in her mouth.

Zypher grinned widely at Taylor. "Look! Hyenas and lions of modern times. Yep, it seems some things never change." He said with humor as he looked back at Anna from the doorway and smiled.

At Zypher's voice, Taylor shifted and looked up, "Wait?! What?! I thought these were the bad guys." She asked confused.
" You speak decisively for being here alone without your pack. All blatant insults aside, I'll humor you, Don. My base goal is to create a perfect soldier as well as an army. Admittedly, shifters are stronger and more resilient then humans. There's big money to be made and shifters are the new arms race. Everybody wants a taste. The bidding war for such a thing could be exponential. I have more orders then I can fill. So you see, I'm really hoping my hybrids are up to my high standards. The word is counting on it." He said conversationally. Markus picked up his mug of coffee and sat back on the couch. He casually rested his ankle on his knee. He then took a long drink of his coffee. Intently watching Don over the edge of his mug.
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Starr gently rubbed her back, frowning in thought at what Lucille said. "You were to be his mate? " She asked and thought about how he had acted with Dawn. "I think if he is cleared then all you will have to do is talk to him and release eachother from the bond."
" Oh? And what would that be? " Kyra asked as she stepped back again. She started to try to get around him only to trip and land on her bed, laughing again.
Jackie looked to him as he came to her. She wondered what he would think about her new form since she didn't think he knew about it yet.
Kristen giggled then shifted to her oilin form to run with him. This way she got to practice and play with the one she loved.
Ember smiled and walked with him to take a seat on the porch. She didn't mind being with him without distractions either.
"Yes, exactly. " Aurora said, shifting and going to touch it to see hoow strong it was. She looked back to Aveal. "When you learn more, you will be able to control it easier and faster despite the form you are in. You would be able to make it seem almost like liquid and create your own instead of pulling them from the earth."
Rosie smiled at him again then moved to sit beside him so she could kiss his cheek. "I know, and I appreciate that. I like you a lot Ericsson." She said softly.
Skylar smiled at him and touched his shoulder. "Everyone starts to learn somewhere, and you have plenty of time to learn everything you want to." She said gently.
~ ~ ~
"They are part of the pack now, I defeated their alpha." Anna said as she came over to the door and smiled at the two, moving to help both stand up again. She was glad Taylor had been ready to fight when the door had opened though.
Don sighed then shrugged. " I speak as I always have, it is the way I am." He said then looked to Marcus again. "Is there such a thing as a perfect soldier? They would have to both listen to orders unfailingly yet be able to think for themselves for when plans fail, as they usually do. A difficult balance to maintain without losing their loyalty, or your head."

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