High Fructose Corn Syrup & Mercury

Are you talking about the amish incident. ... Very sad and it is a horrible disease. I guess I just know where my son is and who he is around and I believe that will be enough to protect him now while he is so little. When we get to the point, when he's going to school, I think we'll have a lot of tough decisions to make. Hopefully his immune system will have matured enough on his own that it wouldn't hurt him in any way.
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At least in California, it's pretty easy to get the glass bottles of Coke from Mexico. They're also made with cane sugar. I'm sure there's still plenty of stuff in there that your body doesn't need... but at least no HFCS. Hansen's also makes cane sugar sodas. They're expensive and I don't buy them often, but every once in a while (on a 105 degree summer day) I'll spring for a Mexican Coke or a Hansen's... and mmm it tastes so good.
There are a lot of things that are bad for us that they allow in the food. They think that if you put just a little in it won't be bad. Nope... I'm allergic to TBHQ and MSG... any amount starts me coughing, and it's bad coughing too. I didn't know all this stuff about HFCSs though.
Amy's is pretty good. Still has some preservatives but you can actually understand most of the ingredients, which is always a good sign!! I love their mac & cheese when I'm too lazy to cook. But better still... cooking organic produce, meats and cheeses from scratch!! Healthiest thing in the world. And the fresher (the more local) the better... studies have shown that produce loses its nutritional value the longer it sits on the shelf.
I wish everyone had their own backyard garden. Of course that would put me out of work as a farmer wouldn't it...
Naahhhhh, just to make us sick enough to run to the doctor, so we can support the PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY some more...

And then support the lawyers and such when someone finds out they get a belly ache when takin the meds. There's this one commercail now about "If you started compulsive gambling while takin this drug call us." What the heck?!
Are you talking about the amish incident. ... Very sad and it is a horrible disease. I guess I just know where my son is and who he is around and I believe that will be enough to protect him now while he is so little. When we get to the point, when he's going to school, I think we'll have a lot of tough decisions to make. Hopefully his immune system will have matured enough on his own that it wouldn't hurt him in any way.

Our son is in 1st grade, goes to a public school, our 3-year old girl goes to a mothers'-morning-out program at our church. I have "religious exemptions" from vaccination for both my kids (the religious exemption is the only one accepted by the State of Georgia), and we have NEVER had any problems. I remember being extremely nervous when I turned in the form the first time, but never got any grief from them (my son's principle actually told me that we were one out of numerous sets of parents at the school, who opt not to vaccinate). And we're talking RURAL Georgia here! People are really starting to wisen up and question what's being presented to them as a "must do".
To those of you who are following this thread, I have to reiterate, read both of Michael Pollan's books, The Omnivore's Dilemma and In Defense of Food. The former explains how we became 'dependent' on agribusiness food products (he doesn't call it food) and the latter on how to learn to live without it and eat properly. Both are excellent reads.

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