High Fructose Corn Syrup & Mercury


Positively Ducky
11 Years
Oct 2, 2008
"In one study, published in the journal Environmental Health, former Food and Drug Administration scientist Renee Dufault and colleagues tested 20 samples of high fructose corn syrup and found detectable mercury in nine of the 20 samples.

Dufault said in a statement that she told the FDA about her findings but the agency did not follow up."

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When I started low carb, I gave up high fructose corn syrup. I was AMAZED at how many products had this junk in it.

It is in ALL the Kroger store brand spaghetti sauces. It is in some Del Monte canned tomatoes. It is in a lot of ketchups... ACK!
Naahhhhh, just to make us sick enough to run to the doctor, so we can support the PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY some more...
From what I read in our paper this morning, it had something to do with the way HFC syrup is made.

I have tried to cut it out as much as possible.

I am diabetic,and I went to 100% juices, those are my weakness. And did it EVER make a difference. (Still of course have to limit and only drink when sugars are fairly low, etc)

I have read HFC syrup, your body doesnt know HOW to process the weird fake sugars in it and it can actually CAUSE diabetes.

Wonder when the government is gonna wake up?

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