High Fructose Corn Syrup & Mercury

yes,great books! but now where do I find local bees and not requeen with 'Italian"or Russian? any ideas? sorry to highjack this thread-but it is on the 'sweet' side!
I so did not understand your question
Another great film is "Future of Food" a documentary by Deborah Koons Garcia .
It explains how corn has been genetically modified. How it got approved without any real real testing/ regulations. They use things like ecoli,Bacillus thuringiensis and antibiotics to genetically engineer dna.The corn is registered as an insecticide.It is a real eye opener. "The Omnivore's Dilemma" is on my to read list. I just recently finished "animal vegitable miracle".
I have read Omnivores Dilemma & Animal, Vegetable, Miracle.
I thought AMV was a much easier read then OD. Just went to my Blockbuster account and put Future of Food in my queue (@ the top), thanks for the reccommend.....
I really don't know. I think my mom researched it once and found something but she lost it. I'll research it and get back to you.
Funny that so many posts on this thread are talking about Coke and HFCS. Remember when they changed the recipe and there was only "new" coke available?

I'm not sure where I heard this but but I recall later hearing that they purposely changed the recipe so that they could swap sugar for the HFCS to the "classic" coke without anyone noticing because their taste buds where then accustomed to the "new" coke. All this fuss for free publicity and to save a few bucks cause HFCS is sooo much cheaper than other sugars.

Not that I care much my beverages are pretty much coffee, water, and wine. I can count how much pop I drink a month on one hand.
I try pretty hard to avoid corn derivatives in my food, and it sounds like all of you here know how hard that can be. So, I just wanted to gripe about what I found today in my cupboard.

My husband and I went shopping and he bought snacks for his lunches this week. I didn't analyze all his picks myself, so today when I pulled a tub of lightly salted peanuts out of the cupboard, I was shocked to find an ingredients list so long it took up a paragraph! For salted peanuts! I know they put filler in everything, but how could we need to add anything to this? I need peanuts with some salt! The ingredients included modified corn starch and MSG. MSG!!! Seriously???? Why do my peanuts need MSG?

Watch those labels folks. The trash ingredients turn up everywhere. I should have known better than to not look at the label, but sometimes you slip up. Sheesh.

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