High temperatures


8 Years
Dec 23, 2014
This question has probably been asked before, but living in the U.K. we are not used to the high temperatures we are getting at the moment. This week and today 35 degrees C (85 to 100F) and I am wondering if I need to take any action for my chooks. I freeze small bottles of water to put in their drinkers as a cooler but do I need too put anything on their combs and wattles? They do sit in the shade sometimes, but my crazy chickens like to sunbath as well!!
They are Buff Orpingtons in the middle of a heavy moult. Thank you for any advice you can give,

Its really hot and humid here in the states. Freezing water bottles and blocks of ice is very good practice. Also providing them electrolytes throughout the day which will help prevent dehydration. You can buy packets at stores for chickens or it is very simple to make your own. Just keep an eye on your chickens if you see them panting a lot move them by either their water or shade. Good luck
Yeah, it's a bit much here at the moment, I agree. Putting a shallow bowl of water for your chickens to stand in, as well as wetting the areas where they dust bathe will help cool them down a little.

(Currently in Yorkshire)
Thanks fior that info CTKen. Have been on the Chicken Chick site and they suggested the same, plus making ice-cube and smoothie treats for the chooks. Apparently it's worth upping their protein intake too as they don't eat much when they are hot. Quite interesting if you want to check it out. I've put a big lump of frozen sweetcorn out, in the shade, and it's taking them ages to eat it and hopefully cool down.
Thanks fior that info CTKen. Have been on the Chicken Chick site and they suggested the same, plus making ice-cube and smoothie  treats for the chooks. Apparently it's worth upping their protein intake too as they don't eat much when they are hot. Quite interesting if you want to check it out.  I've put a big lump of frozen sweetcorn out, in the shade,  and it's taking them ages to eat it and hopefully cool down.

Yep, frozen water melon etc can also do the trick. Hot weather won't last long, so I wouldn't over-think it if I lived in the UK, but good thinking on the sweet corn. In Kenya, my flock seems fine in the heat, but I guess having being bred and raised there, it's kinda normal for them.

Try not to melt today!
I sincerely hope this hot weather won't last too long. Too late regarding the melting - I am already!!! Glood tip with the watermelon!! I suppose you are used to this heat? Enjoy your holiday if that is what you are doing in Yorkshire.
The heat, yeah, but not the humidity. Am home visiting family for a few weeks. I love the long daylight hours!

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