Hiii from South America!👋🏻


Aug 17, 2023
Hi! I'm Skeeeter! I'm from the USA but currently living in Paraguay.
I have been around chickens and other fowl all my life, the earliest I can remember were the "banties" that nested in my Pawpaw's barn who would "git" your finger if you got it too close. The next ones I remember my granny having were Buff Rocks and one "Hippy Rooster". He was a Crevecouer and always came over to hang out with us as we were playing in the sand under the fig trees. I got my 1st chickens, 18 d/o st/rn Barred Rocks when I was 17. Kept them up in my "attic" bdrm in a huge cardboard box with a lamp inside til they were 6wks old. As soon as I'd moved them outside into a dog pen, my stepfather found out about them( He came home from work that day and there they were, staring out at him) he made me give them away☹️.
At the moment, we don't have any chickens, just a flock of 11 pigeons, theives stole all 9 of my chickens.
We have had many breeds of chickens, my last ones were Red Rangers and mixed brown egg layers. We've also greatly enjoyed raising and keeping: Peafowl, Guineas, Coturnix Quail, Silkies, Muscovy Ducks, Layer Ducks, Turkeys, Silver Pheasants, Budgies and a conure parrokeet.
I enjoy deep bedding my chicken house, it stays cleaner and dryer, I enjoy using the spent bedding on the garden and every year I've thrown a 10gal bucketful straight out of the coop into each of my banana hills, I've had bananas going for many years like that without losing production size or quality. We truly enjoy having abundant fresh eggs, and blue shelled eggs/free ranged hen eggs fetch double prices here, always👍🏻
Getting long-winded here.. Animals we've had: Cows, Sheep, Goats, Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Hogs, Cats, Goldfish. Currently we have a Collie and a Bluefronted Amazon along with the Pigeons ( not together, of course ). Let me tell you, that parrot was a fledgling when she was gifted to the betterhalf, (I'd never want one myself) and she has grown into a cruel conniving witch. By laughing and calling sweetly to children she gets them to reach out tender fingers towards her, whereupon, she immediately bites a huge chunk out of if possible, screeching with laughter as the child cries out in agony with bloody cut fingers. We always are very careful not to let kids even touch her cage, because of this. If you INSIST on gettig a parrot, get a boy. The girls are murderous🧟‍♀️
I found out BYC about 3yrs ago while searching for info on Black Giants. Reading through so many people's awesome posts and questions, and seeing how friendy and helpful everyone seems to be, finally decided to join, to perhaps share some of my experience in keeping fowl with them.


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