Hillsboro, Oregon - update on legalization


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jul 5, 2010
Hillsboro, OR
Hi everyone. I've posted a couple times but have been hanging back, waiting for an update by the city council on legalizing poultry within Hillsboro.

I am happy to report that I got an email tonight and the city staff are recommending to the council that certain types and quantities of poultry be allowed on lots larger than 7000 square feet. This proposal will be submitted to the city council on Tuesday, August 3rd at 6pm if you want to hear the proposal in person.

Specifically, the recommended proposal is for up to 3 hens on lots from 7000 to 10,000 square feet (initial proposal was greater than 6000 square feet), 6 hens from 10,000 to 1 acre, and 9 hens on lots larger than 1 acre. The proposal is a complaint driven system; no permits required. They increased the minimum enclosed outdoor run to 20 square feet PER BIRD, up from 5 square feet in the initial proposal. The pen must be behind the front plane of the dwelling, 10 feet from property lines, and must conform to city building codes. No breeding or slaughter will be allowed nor turkeys, geese, peafowl, or roosters.

The other options that were considered in the public hearings was status quo (NO livestock or poultry except in the WAY outskirts of town - very few properties) and an alternative permit driven system. The status quo was the first alternative and the permit system was the 2nd alternative.

This was a comprehensive overhaul of the code and also includes livestock, bees, and other animal language with the exception of dogs, cats, and rabbits (already covered in the code). If you are interested in looking at the entire packet, it can be found at:


Our neighbor, Forest Grove, recently approved chickens. Our other neighbor, Beaverton, is set to do the same thing in August or September. In talking with locals, I found out that Beaverton cracked down on Ludeman's Outdoor store for selling chicks. Mark Ludeman told me personally that he got their ear and a group was able to persuade the city to consider revising their code to allow chickens. After threatening him with a $250/day fine in May, the city paid Mark a visit recently and told him to go ahead and sell chicks. It's pretty obvious Beaverton is going to pass their policy so it doesn't make sense that Hillsboro, a town with roots in the rural lifestyle, would not allow chickens.

I'm going to go to the Tuesday meeting to see the council's reaction to the proposal. I'm confident in the passage and will be putting down a deposit on the Double Coop DeVille at Bake's Binster tomorrow (http://www.bakesbinster.com/photos-of-composters-and-chicken-coops/). It meets the requirement for 60 square feet for 3 birds. It's spendy but hubby has said that he's not up to putting in the effort to build the coop and he's on board with my new passion. We went on the Tour de Coops on Saturday and he was smitten with the nicer coops. The other advantage to this coop is that it won't be an eyesore if we sell the house.

So I guess this post is kinda an introduction to me; birdless right now but the new regulations will allow me to start watching chicken TV.
Will anyone else be there Tuesday?
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Thank you! I have been wanting chickens for several years now having grown up with chickens when I lived on our 8.5 acre farm. I want chickens for the kitchen scrap recycling (which currently goes into the compost bin) and gardening assistance (get rid of the lawn!); hubby is the daily egg eater. I was shocked when I called the city last year and found out they were illegal in this part of our semi-rural town. The illegality part kept my enthusiasm in check as I'm a "follow the rules" type of person but I finally grew weary of not having my other 2 legged assistants. It also took me a while to convince my city born hubby to get on board.

Everything finally has come together and I'm totally jazzed. I was so excited that I couldn't sleep very well last night.
I've borrowed some chick basics from a friend and will purchase the rest today. I'll be getting chicks on the 6th and 13th when they arrive at the Urban Farm Store in Portland. I have already made my list of hopefuls to choose from - Golden Laced Wyandotte, Cuckoo Marans, Buff Brahma (mainly for hubby - he likes large critters), and Sussex. I really, really wanted Salmon Favorelles and Jersey Giant but neither one is on the list of chicks that are arriving.

Now to stay within the 3 chicken rule....
Be very quiet, don't tell them about chicken math, it is a bit fuzzy

I'm very, very familiar with fuzzy math. I'm owned by ferrets too.
If you can hold out for the salmon Fav girl, when I start hatching this fall I'll have some...and they'll be REALLY nice...

Good grief. Like I need help with fuzzy math.

I have no sources for them other than an online purchase so this might be a plan. I'm planning on getting the other chicks on the 6th and 13th when they come into the Urban Farm Store. Would yours be hatching within the 3 week window after that? You can PM me.​
That's ok, I don't know anyone that lives in city limits that sticks to the "rules"...one guy I know has 8!
His logic was that since a rat killed one of his girls, he had to replace her with 2... talk about fuzzy math!! LOL

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